Rayman Origins

Rayman Origins is basically a PlayStation 3
port of this addictive arcade game that was definitely one of the best
arcade titles of 2011. Best of all, the PS Vita version is not a cut
down version of the PS3 and plays in our books, even better, thanks to
the portability of this new console. Although it's a classic 2D
side-scrolling, the title contains some beautiful stylised hand drawn
backgrounds and some fun modern gaming elements which creates a rather
special experience on the PS Vita. The only let down of the game is that
multiplayer is unfortunately absent in this version but even so, four
players on the console versions did get a little too cluttered.

The story of Raman Origins is littered with French paradigms and some
truly whacky and colourful cutscenes that generally make absolute no
sense whatsoever. However its whacky charm is what makes Rayman Origins
such a thoroughly enjoyable experience on the Vita as you attempt to
free these cute little purple blobs. Apart from controlling Rayman,
there are 3 more characters that are available to player but generally
most characters play similar, even though they have a few different
tricks up their sleeves.
Controls have been well mapped on the PS Vita and you won't get your
fingers in a knot while you’re playing for 10 minutes or 2 hours. The
game does support the touch screen of the Vita but this is generally to
collect things on the screen, although you can complete the game without
using this feature. I actually found the touchscreen well implemented,
especially as the bubbles or "lums" in the game (the in-game currency)
began float away as it was easier to swipe your finger on them as
opposed to trying to get Rayman to collect them. Another handy feature
of the touch screen is that you can zoom in and out in the gaming
environment which does assist in the more tricky areas of the game.
UbiSoft should be commended on such a tight control system and
thankfully doesn't drop you in the deep end straight away because as you
progress, additional abilities are slowly unlocked like Rayman's glide
ability or wall jumps.

Given all the fun in Rayman Origins, the game can be quite unforgiving
at times, especially during the later levels where things become quite
interactive as passage ways get crushed, monsters become more dangerous
and the world becomes a living breathing deathtrap. Even though some
save points are scare, this game was too much fun for me to be inflicted
with gamer rage. Generally, most of my mistakes were due to timing
issues and when you do finish the level and get to the interactive
world-map, this reward was more than enough, even if it's only a picture
of Rayman dressed as a Valkyrie!
From puzzles and a plethora or enemies plus some tricky boss battles,
the gameplay of Rayman Origins is quite diverse which even has this cool
side scrolling shoot 'em up! This reminded me of those classic bitmap
games of yesteryear. The only downside to the gaming engine is that
sometimes you need to revisit other areas in order to ensure that you
have collected all your items required to progress to the next level.
Needless to say, it's still a fun experience.

Graphically, Rayman Origins is probably one of the best looking games on
the PS Vita thanks to its gorgeous hand drawn backgrounds that are quite
diverse as you progress through the various levels from jungles to
deserts and amazing snowfields. Although the game is hosted on a 2D
surface, the developers have added some interesting special effects like
foreground effects to help liven up the gaming world. The musical score
is just as good as the graphics as are the strange sound effects that
create a very impressive and dare I say, the best launch title for the
PS Vita.
Final Level
Rayman Origins is the best fun I've had on the PS Vita that has
definitely set the arcade benchmark quite high for future arcade titles.
It may not have an online mode but for a single-player game, the title
ticks all the right boxes and creates one of the most addictive
challenges on this brand new console. Even if you have played and
finished the PS3 version, you still may want to check out the Vita
version because revisiting this universe has never been better. Highly
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