Impulse Gamer recently reviewed
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale on the PS3 which
received a 8.5/10 and was basically Sony's answer to Nintendo's
Super Smash Bros. Even with the weird and diverse roster, this
fighter/brawler worked considerably well on the PS3. If you
purchased the PS3 version of PlayStation All-Stars Battle
Royale, the game also came with the Vita version which was to
support the cross-platform compatibility of two consoles. Kind
of cool!

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
features a stellar Sony inspired all-star cast that include
legendary gaming characters such as Kratos (God of War), Nathan
Drake (Uncharted), Jak (Jak & Daxter) and even PaRappa the
Rapper (PaRappa the Rapper) plus our favourite Sackboy (Little
Big Planet). This is just the surface of the colourful playable
characters in this fighter/brawler and at times, it is quite
amusing seeing someone like Sackboy fighting a variety of Sony
characters like Kratos or Drake. There are even some characters
from other franchises such as The Devil May Cry and inFamous
that adds to the replay value.
As mentioned, the game is heavily
inspired by Super Smash Bros which basically throws the player
into a one screen environment taken from the environments of all
the aforementioned characters as you duke it out with 2+
characters or online players. Just like Super Smash Bros, the
battle can become quite hectic and messy, especially with the
various special attacks of each characters. Controls are quite
intuitive and simplistic on the Vita which borders on a button
smasher but by linking combos, you can create some powerful
tactics. The Buttons are well mapped on the Vita with the face
buttons used to attack and jump, with shoulder buttons (left)
for blocking and (right), engage in a finishing manoeuvre.
The idea of the game is to pummel the absolute living daylights
out of your opponents in order to build up your power metre to
deliver a super attack. This can be done up to three levels and
if you manage to do this before the timer runs out, you are
almost guaranteed victory, provided you have the most "kills"
acquired. The solo campaign of PlayStation All-Stars Battle
Royale is a little lacklustre and more enjoyment of this game
can be found in multiplayer, both local and single-player which
ups the challenge factor of this game. There's also plenty of
unlockable content in the game and Sony have reported that
additional DLC characters will be available.

The big question is, how does
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale fair on the Vita? In terms
of gameplay and graphics, it works quite well on the Vita but
when multiple combatants are fighting each other on the small
screen of this console, things become quite tiny which
unfortunately compromises the gameplay.
On the other hand, when you're
playing against one character or another player, PlayStation
All-Stars Battle Royale works well on the Vita, however the more
characters you fight, almost make the game feel like you are
watching Fight Club at a colony of ants. With that said, it is a
fun game to play on the Vita, however the PS3 version is far
superior, especially when playing it on big screen TV.

Graphically the game looks good on the Vita which resembles the
PS3 version well and there are some great interpretations of all
the characters in the game. Add in some decent special effects
and the characters almost jump out of the screen at you. Audio
is equally as good and sounds phenomenal through a decent
headphone. Unfortunately the large gaming zones make it a tad
too hard to see on the Vita screen but even with this
limitation, the game still works.

Final Level
All in all, PlayStation All-Stars
Battle Royale successfully mimics the popular Super Smash Bros
series and features some sturdy gameplay that unfortunately is
hampered by the screen size of the Vita. Multiplayer is the
highlight of the game due to the unpredictability of human
controlled characters and the single-player campaign is
unfortunately lacking that X-factor. With the PS3 version being
far superior, the Vita version is only for those who do not own
their home console brother as on the Vita it's fun but not great
due to the frustration factor.