Finally, I can start using the PS
Vita again which in my opinion is the best darn portable console
around. Now if only those iPhone and Android users could see the
PS Vita in action and they might be tempted to get a real gaming
machine. Available in early September, Impulse Gamer were given
the chance to have a sneak peak at Killzone Mercenary which
takes gamers to the brutal war between the ISA and the dreaded

In the game Killzone Mercenary on
the PS Vita, you play as a soldier for hire which really creates
this interesting story mechanic as it gives the player a variety
of methods to dispatch their enemies and complete the various
levels that you engage in.
In the preview, I had the chance to
infiltrate a Helghast Defence Station that allowed me to use
both stealth and grunt to complete the mission. There's some
really fun stealth mechanics employed in the game and some
really cool items and weaponry that work well with the controls
of this console.

But before I get to the gameplay,
the graphics of Killzone Mercenary on the PS Vita look amazing.
The graphics are insanely detailed and look fantastic on the PS
Vita screen. With that mind, the graphics are quite gory as
well, hence the R18+ rating here in Australia.
It almost looks like a PS3 game
with the detailed textures, realistic lighting and well animated
enemies. Even the frame rate was quite strong but bare in mind,
this is only a preview so there were a few issues. Given that, I
cannot wait to see the final version.

Controls on the PS Vita work well
as you use the thumb sticks to navigate the gaming environment.
Interestingly enough, this is probably one of the most enjoyable
first person shooters I have experienced on a portable console
because everything felt quite strong.
The touch screen is also used to
enhance the gameplay through takedowns (swipes) and using
weapons. The final version of the game will allow for in-game
voice chat that will allow you to interact with your squad
mates. All in all, this preview gave me a delicious taste of
things to come.
Final Thoughts?
I cannot wait to see the final
version of this game and although at times, the frame rate did
suffer and the controls probably need a little more
streamlining, as a preview, the game still comes together quite
well. In terms of the touch screen, things do become a little
disjointed, especially when the enemy is attacking but the
developers have a very strong title on their hands.
Best of all, this game feels and
almost plays like its big brother counterpart, so bring on