

Published on March 21st, 2024 | by Matt Fischer

Ultimate Black Panther Issue #2 (2024) Review

Ultimate Black Panther Issue #2 (2024) Review Matt Fischer

Summary: With the appearance of a certain weather goddess at the end of this issue, the next one can’t come fast enough. I wish the art would be more eye catching. Now, if only T’Challa could be the most interesting person in his own book we could get somewhere.


Vibranium? Sigh...

Background – T’Challa has a rough start to his war.

Writing – This is going to be broken down by plot thread:

T’Challa – Heavy is the crown. Since the assassination attempt on his life that also took the life of his father, Wakanda has become afraid of T’Challa. At least according to Okoye. Civilians have been rounded up and interrogated at a massive pace. T’Challa goes to the Vodu-Khan again, which Shuri warns him against. She doesn’t trust them and frankly, with the amount he has already gone to them to seek counsel in the first two issues of this series, I have a feeling we shouldn’t trust them either.

The Vodu-Khan tell of a prophecy that a woman of light will give T’Challa children. It’s pretty much a given that this is Storm, but because he hasn’t met her yet, he assumes it means Okoye. We then move to the Dora Millaje who are being observed by Shuri as they fight the forces of Moon Knight.

T’Challa then assembles his inner circle and realizes that Moon Knight is headed for the vibranium mines, which does feel like a cop out. Just like every universe has a hidden Wakanda, every universe apparently has loads and loads of Vibranium underneath Wakanda. The team also realizes there is a traitor among them. The issue ends with T’Challa walking straight into a trap and would surely have died if not for the emergence of our weather god Storm.

Moon Knight – This terrorist group means business. They have no qualms about killing anyone who even thinks of getting in their way. We discover that there is a traitor in Wakanda (my bet is on Okoye if only because it would clear up Storm and her relationship status for T’Challa.) Both gods are mad that they lost their first skirmish to The Black Panther, but the spy tells them to wait just a little bit longer.

From what I gather from the dialogue and the way the pages are drawn, these are not simply humans who are following these god’s will. I think these are really Khonshu and Ra physically taking over these two bodies.  It’s very interesting to read these two, it’s almost like watching a very twisted and violent version of American Gods.

Artwork – The art is clear… but kind of lame. Everything has a lot of detail, but nothing stands out. I don’t know if it’s because of the colors used or what, but this is all just feels … meh. I want to again highlight the fact that Wakanda apparently sits under a blood orange and pink sky. It’s a very odd decision, but it works in a very “New Adventures of Batman” kind of way. It’s not until Storm arrives that we see the clouds darken… so maybe it’s not the shield that hides Wakanda? I’d like to see a normal sky at some point.

Final Thoughts – This book is just heating up. With the appearance of a certain weather goddess at the end of this issue, the next one can’t come fast enough. I wish the art would be more eye catching. Plus, if T’Challa could be the most interesting person in his own book we could get somewhere.

Final score: 3 out 5

Publisher:  Marvel
Writer:  Bryan Hill

Artist: David Curiel

Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit

Cover Artist: Stefano Caselli & David Curiel

Genre:  Superhero
Format: Monthly
Release Date: 03/13/2024

About the Author

Lover of all things nerdy. Reader of Comics for over 25 years. DC encyclopedia. X-Men historian. Spider-Man and Marvel lover. Indie side guy.

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