
Published on October 28th, 2013 | by Admin


Assassin’s Creed® Liberation HD is available for pre-orders starting today

SYDNEY — October 28th, 2013 — Ubisoft has announced that Assassin’s Creed® Liberation HD, the striking chapter of the pre-American Revolution Assassin’s Creed® saga, will arrive for the first time as a digital title on PlayStation® 3 and PC on January 15th, 2014, and on Xbox® 360 this January, 2014, at only $29.95.


As Aveline, the first playable female Assassin in the Assassin’s Creed saga, the player must use their skill, instinct and weaponry – including a machete, poison-dart blowpipe, a whip and dueling pistols – to hunt down and eliminate enemies as they embarks on an unforgettable journey that will take him from the crowded streets of New Orleans to voodoo-haunted swamps and ancient Mayan ruins.

Completely re-mastered, featuring unique assassin game-play mechanics, an immersive Assassin’s Creed storyline delivered in stunning high definition, Assassins Creed Liberation HD will also offer new content with new missions that dive deeper into Aveline’s story, as well as updated world design for more game-play options during missions.

As Assassin’s Creed® Liberation HD is now available for preorders, special offers are starting today as well. All PlayStation® 3 and PC players pre-ordering the game on Playstation Network and Uplay will benefit from 25% off.


In addition, for a limited time only, all players that purchase or have already purchased the season pass for Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag on Xbox 360 will receive 25% off the purchase of Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD at its release.

The Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Season Pass gives all-in-one access to a new single-player story featuring Adewale, an ex-slave turned Assassin, the exclusive Kraken Ship Pack, plus multiplayer characters and much more for only $29.95.

For more information on Assassin’s Creed, please visit: and

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