Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 Xbox Headset Review
Summary: The Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 Xbox headset is a must have for anyone who wants to truly take their gaming to a new level.
Stealth 600
The superior next gen graphics of the Xbox Series X should only be matched with the audio equivalent. The Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 Xbox Headset provides console gamers an unrivaled audio experience that transforms their gaming experience into something far greater. The wireless headset with its 15-hour battery offers a dynamic audio experience for any gamer, even those who wear glasses.
Rainbow 6 Seige: It’s the last round of Bomb Defusal, the final tie breaker between two teams fighting for the winning point. It’s 2v3 and the noise from the rain outside is making it near impossible to hear the TV. I quickly grab the Turtle Beach headset and switch it on. Two seconds later, the headset connects and the hammering sound of rain on a tin roof is all but a whisper. The sound canceling feature of the Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 made it possible to focus my attention on the task at hand, freeing the part of my mind that would otherwise be used to block out distractions. Now, I had clarity and could be a better asset to my team.
My hands were shaking in anticipation – We were outnumbered, separated, and blind to our enemy’s location. The room I was guarding had multiple points of entry and very little defensive countermeasures. In that moment, I felt that I could only count on my shotgun and the off chance that I get a lucky headshot. But then everything changed. I heard something that I hadn’t noticed before, the sound of footsteps. The headset with its sound capabilities was amplifying the subtle sounds that I would never have been able to hear via the tv’s built in speakers. Like Spider Man’s spider-scene, I could pinpoint the exact location of the attacker’s location on the other side of the drywall. I quickly turn to the right and blast several rounds into the wall, killing the SWAT operative Thermite before he could even react. Unfortunately, the barrage of shotgun fire gave away my position and I quickly met a similar fate as another attacker flanked me from behind. Shortly after, we lost the round and the match in turn, but what I discovered about how much a good headset can improve your gaming experience has ultimately changed the way I game.
This is one of many examples I could give you about the power of the Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 Xbox Headset. Saying that a headset has amazing sound will most likely mean little to someone who isn’t wearing it. In truth, I was the same, but to know how much they can improve your gaming capabilities and experience beyond that of the TV’s speakers or other headsets is what has impressed me. Even in games like The Witcher 3 that came out years ago, the Stealth 600 Gen 2 is still able to enhance sound effects that I didn’t even notice before. During the opening cinematic, you can clearly hear the sound of the rain while the old man is talking, something that you can’t hear when using the tv’s built in speakers. I tested this out on a range of new and old games and was amazed at just how many hidden sound effects that could only be heard when using this headset.
Regardless of what you play, the Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 has a number of features that are going to improve the way you use your Xbox, whether it be current or next gen. The wireless headset syncs to the console just as you would when pairing a new controller and only takes a few seconds to activate before it’s ready to use. Users will still need to manually turn the headset off after use unlike the Xbox controllers that automatically switch off when the console is turned off. On a number of occasions, I’d forgotten to turn the headset off but thankfully the 15-hour battery kept the headset going until I returned later. The charging speed is also quite impressive and only takes 3 hours to be fully charged.
If you, like myself and the other 57% of the worlds population that wears glasses, you’ll be glad to know that the Stealth 600 Gen 2 is glasses friendly and very comfortable to wear for long periods of time. The earmuffs and headband are padded with soft cushioning, offering a snug fit but without the feeling that your head is been crushed thanks to extra rotation joints. This makes the headset very easy to adjust and find that perfect comfort position. Additionally, all of the controls and the microphone have been positioned on the left ear and are easy enough to adjust with one hand without having to take the headset off. When not in use, the microphone tucks neatly into the side of the headset and becomes activated once all the way down. The mic can be quickly muted by pushing the folding arm slightly upwards. Personally, I find this a much better system than having to press a button to mute the headset as it gives a very clear indication of whether or not others can hear your voice. I’m also a huge fan of the dual volume dials that individually control the volume of the game and group chat. Players who want to focus more on what their teammates are saying can use this feature to give priority of what sound they’re hearing. However, the mic is quite sensitive and will pick up the noise from the tv. Even though the headset is noise canceling, it doesn’t disable the sound from the tv and you’ll need to manually turn the volume down to avoid feedback.
Final Thoughts
The Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 Xbox headset is a must have for anyone who wants to truly take their gaming to a new level. Using this headset, you’ll hear new sound effects in crystal clear quality, while being able to use the different modes to enhance various elements, giving you an inhuman advantage. The headset is very comfortable and works wonders when canceling out outside noises, even those as extreme as heavy rain on a tin roof. However, I did find the microphone to be almost too sensitive, picking up the sounds from when I adjust the volume dials. But, if that’s the worst feature then it’s only a minor one and something that can easily be overlooked considering the undeniable benefits. I strongly recommend this to anyone who is looking for their first headset or needing something to give them a better gaming experience.