Turnip Boy Robs a Bank Switch Review
Summary: The payday after a heist is boring... unless you're a Turnip Boy!
Troubled Turnip
I think we may need an intervention for Turnip Boy… first he commits tax evasion… now he’s robbing a bank!
In all seriousness this game shows why it’s great that independent developers exist. The fears that big companies buying smaller ones and putting out cookie cutter games was going to be the future of gaming can be laid to rest… with access to game making tools now in the hands of pretty much anyone interested in giving it a go… we aren’t restricted to just another first person shooter or MMORPG… we can enjoy the exploits of an anthropomorphic turnip as he gets caught up with a gang of pickles and sets about robbing a bank.
Turnip Boy himself is quite cute, with a perpetual grin he seems the least likely… thing… person?… to become a hardened criminal, brandishing weapons and shaking down people at the bank… yet that’s exactly what he does. The main gameplay is what you would expect… you are driven to the bank, get out and set about shaking down customers, breaking into safes and more or less grabbing anything and everything you can of value. But as you progress you start finding tasks… such as obtaining divorce papers or getting payment for artwork that was commissioned for a streamer (who then instead offers “exposure bucks”).
As you might expect, the tasks get tougher and tougher as you go and sometimes require a new bit of equipment… fortunately you have access to the “dark web” at your HQ where you can spend your ill gotten gains on just that. Whether it’s a diamond pickaxe, C4, a box, a laser pointer or some other seemingly random item… there will be some way in which it will be required in your efforts to complete quests.
What would a bank robbery be without weapons? Well the items on hand here also range from the expected, hand gun, shotgun… to the odd… such as cactus? These can have modifiers applied to them that you purchase from a rather shady character called Robo-Rafael. As an idea of what sort of modifiers you can purchase are… you can purchase Steroids! But don’t expect your little Turnip chum to suddenly beef out… it’s all just to make sure you can handle the challenges that stand before you and your bank robbing plans.
After a while the levels do start to get a bit repetitive, but that’s because it’s always the same bank. This repetition is the first few rooms… as you progress you will unlock different areas of the bank which helps to stop it becoming too boring. As you progress you will encounter new “interesting” characters with more quests and different weapons to help you get further. From time to time you will also encounter boss battles that can be quite challenging but ultimately give you a good sense of achievement when you finally manage to get past them (which may require a few re-tries with improving weapons in between each attempt).
Ultimately Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is a fun twist on a familiar theme. Sure we have some hyper realistic games that allow you to be part of a criminal gang performing heists… but why play those when you can be a cute little Turnip working for some pickles firing your cactus and shaking down customers at Mr Stinky’s bank. We may not have Commander Keen or Jazz Jackrabbit anymore… but when we can still have games like Turnip Boy Robs a Bank… I’d say variety in gaming is still alive and well.
If you like your life of crime with a touch of humour and edibles… grab a copy of Turnip Boy Robs a Bank!