Discover two additional Operators and a new co-op event
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – February 2nd, 2018 – Ubisoft® has revealed first details of “Operation Chimera” and “Outbreak”, the opening content of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Siege Year Three. Two new operators, specialists in biohazard situations and playable in PvP multiplayer, will have to face a major threat in the game’s first co-op event, Outbreak. This time, the Rainbow team faces an entirely different threat: an infestation of unknown origin is attacking the small town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. The danger is so high that the authorities quarantined the entire town, trapping civilians and soldiers inside. Pushed to its limits, team Rainbow calls in some of the very best biohazard specialists currently in operation within the World’s elite national CTUs.
Respectively from France and Russia, these hot zone specialists are experts in matters of biological warfare and veterans of numerous conflicts involving bio-chemical weapons. They are Rainbow Six’s best hope against the dangers lurking in the Quarantine Zone.
Outbreak, a brand new 4-week co-op event
In Outbreak, the first seasonal event for Rainbow Six Siege, players will choose their best team of three to enter the devastated town of Truth or Consequences and neutralise the threat. From exploding monstrosities to hulking horrors, the Rainbow Six team will face something never-seen before. These armoured monsters will bring the fight close and push the destruction engine to new heights. Players will have to find new ways of using their arsenal, against a foe that doesn’t take cover and engages instantly in close combat.
“Operation Chimera” will be available on TTS from February 19th and on all platforms on March 6th while “Outbreak” will be playable on PC on the second day of the Operation Chimera TTS, on February 20th. It will then be available on all platforms from March 6th to April 3rd inclusively.
To learn more about our two upcoming Operators and Outbreak event update, be sure to tune in for the livestream during the Six Invitational finals happening in Montreal on February 17th and 18th:
For more information about the game or news on the upcoming title update, please visit