
Published on July 29th, 2018 | by Admin

This week at Bungie, we’re preparing for a celebration

This week at Bungie, we’re preparing for a celebration.

The Tower is getting ready for the kick off of Solstice of Heroes, starting next Wednesday, August 1. To keep the party lively, you’ll find bounties to help you track your Triumphs and new challenges for upgrading a new armour set. All the details are laid out in the Solstice of Heroes article. The event will run from August 1 until the weekly reset on August 29.

Today, the team showed off what some of the new weapons and armour can do in Forsaken. Check out a glimpse of some of the tools of the trade that arrive with Forsaken on September 4, here.

Full Stream Ahead

Ever since the team started talking about the second year of Destiny 2, they’ve dropped a lot of hints about how the state of combat between Guardians will be changing. They know you have questions about how you’ll be using your weapons next season. How will you equip them? How will you customise them? How will you earn the ammunition you’ll need to use them?

Some of these things defy explanation, so they’ll demonstrate the performance of the new arsenal in real time. You are invited to watch them engage in combat—for science!

Year Two Combat Reveal Stream

Wednesday, August 8, 3 AM AEST or

Joining the team again in one of the hot seats will be full-time Senior Sandbox Designer (and part-time rock star), Jon Weisnewski. He makes some promises that we’ll keep when we go live on stream.

Newsk: Hello friends! If you’re a sharp-eyed PvP enthusiast, you may have noticed from some Forsaken coverage that the weapons are doing a bit more damage than they do in the current version of Destiny 2. If you’re a seasoned Destiny 2 player, you may then extrapolate the possibility of a global lethality pass on weapons and abilities that may or may not be in the pipe to go live when Forsaken is released. I’m here to quickly confirm that, along with weapon slots and ammo availability, we have globally adjusted the “time to kill” in the Crucible. If you’d like more details, join us on stream and we’ll get into it! See you then!

And that’s just one question they’ll answer beyond the shadow of a doubt. Tune in for a full demonstration of perks, mods, loadouts, and everything else you’ll need to know to best your fellow players in battle. The team can’t give you skill, but they can equip you with a pre-mission briefing.

Save the date, follow Bungie’s channels, and prepare your favourite chat room snacks.

Back to the Lab Again

Crucible Labs has been on hiatus for a while. It’s time to start experimenting again. Head over here, where Senior Designer, Andrew Weldon has the details about the new mode coming next and when you can expect to see it go live.


Many Guardians have heard whispers on Io and rushed to investigate. Some of you encountered a long streak of Cabal drills—far too many Cabal drills. The team did some investigating to see if this was a bug. Turns out there’s no bug, but the current random generator doesn’t do a good job of preventing streaks of either event.

The team are currently investigating ways to prevent these bad luck runs in the future. They did some simulations to see if there might be any more long streaks of one type of event in the forecast. You can expect a few more outliers, but balanced with long streaks of only Taken Blight events. This activity will be available every week, and once you do unlock the Heroic version, it will stay unlocked. The team will continue to monitor the situation. Happy hunting.

From Now Until Forsaken

Earlier this week, the team published a new Development Roadmap. Previous editions of this forecast were more focused on plans for the future. With the immediate future looking brighter—even with a darker story to tell—the team are using the Roadmap to telegraph the updates you’ll need to download before your second year of Destiny 2 can begin.

The team have been pretty true to the plans they laid out in the last roadmap, but there were some new entries. Head over here, where the team provides some commentary on Director Updates and Milestones and Challenges Updates.

Save the Dates

There are plenty more than just downloads that have to happen before Forsaken launches. With Gambit as our special cargo, the team are heading to gamescom, where they will make some important announcements. They’re going to PAX West, where they’ll mix it up with the community (and, yes, play some Gambit) one more time before launch. As always, there will be fun things happening in the game to keep you challenged and entertained as you count down the days until September 4.

Check out the August calendar of events in the game and in real life.

The Sacred Texts!

A popular request among Guardians is to see the Grimoire committed to print. Today, the team are proud to announce an upcoming Destiny Grimoire Anthology.

Until now, the myths, mysteries, and machinations of the Destiny universe were found hidden throughout the worlds—enticing threads that hinted at a greater tapestry. The Destiny Grimoire Anthology weaves tales from multiple sources together for the first time, casting new light on Destiny’s most legendary heroes, infamous villains, and their greatest moments of triumph and tragedy. Each unique volume intends to illuminate a facet of the world, and the complete anthology will confirm and challenge players’ thoughts and assumptions about what it means to be a Guardian, offering new and differing perspectives on the cosmic war that rages between the Traveller and its ancient enemies.

The first volume is titled Dark Mirror and available for pre-order on the Bungie store. Look for it this fall wherever books are sold. It will also be published in additional languages and available in additional regions to be announced.

Service Guarantees Citizenship

There are many ways the team collaborate with players to make a better game. They pore over feedback loops from multiple sources on the internet. They contract notable experts among you to join us as testers for a limited run. Sometimes, they’ll even host a summit in their studio to dig into future plans. Those measures, while effective, unfortunately don’t stand a chance of including everyone.

Bungie User Research casts a wider net. Willing test subjects complete online surveys. There are even occasional invitations to visit the studio and step into the lab to sample something in development. The registration questionnaire has been updated with new data points that they’d love to know about you. If you’re already in Bungie’s database, hit it again. If you didn’t know about this opportunity to do your part, this is your chance to sign up for a future testing opportunity.

Would you like to know more?

Fill out the User Research Questionnaire, and they may call upon you to participate in a live-fire exercise sometime in the future.

For the Monarchy

New Monarchy claimed the third and final Faction Rallies victory of Season 3. They were dominant in previous seasons but were winless coming into this one. The faction managed to squeak out a victory despite Dead Orbit having more players pledged. It’s about action, not promises.

Solstice of Heroes

Next Wednesday, August 1, 2018, Solstice of Heroes will kick off in Destiny 2. Before this event goes live, here are a few points of vital information:

Before attempting to complete a Triumph, players should make sure they have acquired it from the Statue of Heroes. Some Triumphs may need to be completed again if the Triumph is not in the player’s inventory at the time of completion.
For Moments of Triumph, adventures and Region Chests are tracked by the character that has completed the most of them, and they are not tracked account-wide. Players who encounter issues making progress toward these Triumphs should make sure they are playing on the character that has made the most progress toward these Triumphs.
Progress toward Triumphs and event rewards may be lost if players delete any characters on their account. For the best experience, it is recommended that players do not delete any characters until all desired rewards have been redeemed and Solstice of Heroes concludes on August 29, 2018.

For more information, players should visit the Solstice of Heroes blog post as well as the Moments of Triumph Guide and FAQ.

Cayde’s Exotic Stash

Since the reveal of Destiny 2: Forsaken, players have asked whether or not Cayde’s Exotic Stash will be included with pre-orders directly from platform online marketplaces. The team can confirm that this pre-order bonus will be available to all players who purchase through the PlayStation, Xbox, and online stores before launch.

Additionally, shown below is what players can expect to become available to them in Year 2, based off of title ownership:

For information on purchase eligibility from other retailers, players should visit the official page.

Movie of the Week

Welcome to the most exciting section of the TWAB! This is where the team gets to honour you, the players, for creating kick-ass videos. Every week, the team pick their favourites and send the creators a special emblem. If you think you can create something to catch their eye, post it to the Creations page. Now, let’s bring out this week’s champions.

Movie of the Week: We Were Here II
Honourable Mention: Bad Day

Before we go, here is a quick peek at last week’s top scorers in the Nightfall.

Game Informer is wrapping up its month of Forsaken coverage. You can read and watch all of it on this handy hub page the magazine set up. Tomorrow, Game Informer will be finishing up with a podcast featuring Game Director, Steve Cotton and Project Lead, Scott Taylor. The team know you still have questions. They are a little more than a month out, and will start diving into more details as we draw closer. The stream on August 8 will shine a light on many topics you’re curious about regarding the future of combat in Destiny 2.

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