

Published on September 1st, 2019 | by James Wright

The Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories Book Review

The Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories Book Review James Wright

Summary: The Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories is showcases some of the best authors and illustrators of Australia


Australian charm

This beautiful hardcover book is a thoroughly delightful collection of bedtime stories by Australian authors and illustrators that is not only a celebration of this country but it showcases of some of our best creators from the place that we call home. More importantly it gives Australia its very own bedtime stories with themes that are sure to become classics as we introduce younger readers and parents to some thoroughly enjoyable, well-written and illustrated tales in the Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories.

Eight of Australia’s best-loved picture books from some of our best and brightest authors and illustrators are beautifully presented in this hardcover omnibus. Whether as a read-aloud for snuggling up on these wintery days and nights or for the newly independent reader this will be the ideal choice to inspire imagination and a love of stories . . . Be prepared for many cries of ‘read it again!’ from your chosen audience.

The Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories is split into the following individual chapters;

  • Bed Tails (Meredith Costain and Mitch Vane)
  • Sophie’s Big Bed (Tina Burke)
  • Baby Tawnies (Judy Paulson(
  • It’s Bedtime, William! (Deborah Niland)
  • One Very Tired Wombat (Renee Treml)
  • A Bear and a Tree (Stephen Michael King)
  • Jesse (Tim Winton and Maureen Prichard)
  • Come Down, Cat (Sonya Hartnett and Lucia Masciullo)

While each story is uniquely different, there is a theme that is littered throughout this book which is night and creates a connection between these tales. Speaking of “tails, the first story by Meredith Costain and Mitch Vane is entitled Bed Tails and would be a familiar story among families in Australia as a young boy named Finnegan ends up in his parents bed. However as the story proceeds, the entire family eventually ends up in his parents bed that includes their dogs and cat which is beautifully told and illustrated.

Another great story is Sophie’s Big Bed which is about a toddler and her rabbit teddy who makes the transition from to cot to bed as she tries to justify that the smaller bed, her cot is a better choice for her and her cuddly friends. Of course Sophie soon realises that a bigger bed allows them all to sleep more comfortably and like the first story is beautifully written and illustrated by Tina Burke. The colouring in this story is also brilliant and the art style resonates with the story quite well.

Other stories involves owls, wombats and a boy named William who finds a lion in his little bed to a farm lad named Jesse who eventually falls asleep on the back of a cow. The last story Come Down Cat by Sonya Hartnett and Lucia Masciullo is a cute story about Nicholas who is trying to get his cat off the roof before nightfall as his imagination goes rampant with thoughts about ghosts, monsters and creepy crawlies which only come out at night. This story highlights bravery and the bond between children and their pets that once again is beautifully told.

Sample Pages

Final Thoughts?

The Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories cannot be faulted and not only brings together some of Australia’s best authors and illustrators but it creates something special for our country that will hopefully become a memorable keepsake for a new generation of readers.

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