The Incredible Hulk #3 REVIEW
Summary: Hulk just wants to be left alone, but Brother Deep wants revenge.
Unveiling Horrors
After being impaled with a knife by a religious zombie, Banner is replaced by the Hulk as he grotesquely transforms. Springing into action, those zombies never stood a chance. Caught in the commotion, Charlie is rescued by the Hulk twice, but he isn’t fond of someone as puny as her following him around. The Incredible Hulk #3 explores more of the lore surrounding who or what Brother Deep is and what correlation he has with the Hulk himself. It is discovered that the One Above All, whom Hulk has met once before, is not as benevolent as he seems. The stories found deep within the bowels of the church reveal that not even a creator like One Above All is susceptible to enacting rage and violence. Meanwhile, Hulk plans to rid Banner and be the sole intellect in control forever.
Written by Phillips Kennedy Johnson (Smoketown, Green Lantern), The Incredible Hulk #3 is wonderfully crafted to tell a story that seizes to bore readers. In this issue, readers get to see the Hulk take the wheel for a change. In fact, the way this part of the story is written is better that the Hulk is in control. If he hadn’t it would have turned out badly mostly for Charlie. Throughout the second issue of the comic book series, readers are constantly teased as to who Brother Deep is and what exactly is going on. Let’s just say Johnson was setting up for the grand surprise in the second issue specifically for this one. The intriguing detail about this story is how the One Above All plays a part in this whole ordeal. Johnson dives back into The Immortal Hulk #50 and brings something new forward that is unsuspected and adds a whole other meaning to seeking revenge. While not directly involved in these events, the creator of all things turns out to be very spiteful, at least that’s what Brother Deep’s story seems to tell within the church.
As the story begins to become more and more enticing, the artwork continues to be amazing. Nic Klein’s (Hulk, Dancer) work suites the creative storytelling immeasurably. The work Klein provides in The Incredible Hulk #3 maintains to be a consistent exploration of imagery and eye-catching scenes that it’s hard to put the comic book down. The artwork does a lot more than just telling a story the more readers will come to realize. That realization is that Klein’s artistic style stems from digging deep and finding the right wheelhouse that expresses what the writing requires. For every reader’s sake, it’s safe to say that Klein gives this comic book series his all and doesn’t hold back.
Comparatively, the artwork could stand out on its own, but Matthew Wilson (Civil War, The Fox, Gigantic) as the color artist gives Klein’s work the best kind of collaboration. The color work of Wilson is absolutely astounding as it blends with the artwork of Klein. The enthralling observation of his work is that it makes the comic book likable to keep reading. The Incredible Hulk #3 is riddled with rich color that captures dynamic and remarkable panels within the pages of the comic book. Uniquely, the lettering work by Cory Petit (Franken-Castle, Human Torch) is a great addition to the story. Petit’s work as the letterer in this series should be appreciated more as lettering a story such as this gives readers a reason to keep reading. While the action is rolling in this comic book, Petit makes sure that readers are getting the full experience they need when it comes to adventuring with the Hulk.
Regarding full experience, Klein’s cover art is riveting with engagement. Readers are introduced to Hulk battling what appears to be a giant monster, but the reveal is too hard to make out. This tease leads readers to want to know more and it works very well.
There is more to explore what is happening with the Hulk, but in The Incredible Hulk #3 secrets from eons ago are discovered. There is no telling what else Hulk might run into along the way and the only thing to do is follow until the very end. You can find this issue and the previous issues at your local comic book store or online where they are sold. Horrors are coming for the Hulk and you don’t want to miss out!
Comic Details
Writer: Phillips Kennedy Johnson
Artist: Nic Klein
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Color Artist: Matthew Wilson
Cover Artist: Nic Klein
Editor: Wil Moss
Publisher: Marvel Entertainment