
Published on January 15th, 2020 | by Alex Novus

“The Family Travel Handbook” from Lonely Planet

Everything you need to know to take unforgettable trips with your children

Full of practical advice, ideas and inspiration for every type of family, Lonely Planet’s The Family Travel Handbook gives you the lowdown on amazing travel experiences around the world – and how to plan and enjoy them with your children.

From Lonely Planet’s favourite destinations and navigating different forms of transport, to approaching new food and a change in routine, travellers will gain the confidence and know-how to plan family getaways like a pro.

The book’s Australian highlights include South Western Australia (‘Adventure Destination’), Brisbane (‘Top 10 Family Cultural Destination’), Sunshine Coast (‘Top 5 Destination for Infants & Toddlers’), Tasmania (‘Top 5 Destination for Multigenerational Travel’), Questacon in Canberra (‘Top 10 Science Destination’), Royal Botanic Gardens’ Ian Potter Foundation Children’s Garden in Melbourne (‘Top 10 Fun Ideas’), The Ghan (‘Ride the Rails’), Cylinder Beach, Stradbroke Island (‘Top 5 Beach Destination’), Great Barrier Reef (‘Top 5 Wildlife Holiday’), and a chapter devoted to ‘Camping in Tasmania’.

“Every day our writers and staffers share tips and recommendations focused on travel with kids,” Lonely Planet says. “Collectively we’ve covered thousands of miles with our children, from making the most of a local day trip to biking across continents, from a short trip to another city to relaxing on a farm stay in the middle of the countryside, and from learning to ski to enjoying the spectacle of a Disney cruise. You name it, we’ve probably done it. Now we’re sharing the knowledge we’ve gained from our experiences with you in this book. ”

“Our aim,” Lonely Planet continues, “is to bring together all of our expertise in one useful handbook that you can refer to as much for ideas about exploring the great outdoors close to home as for advice on packing up everything and taking the kids on a round-the-world trip. Your family may be experienced jet-setters, or you may be unsure where to start when taking your kids on the road, but amazing opportunities for travelling together exist at every turn.”


Published: January 2020

ISBN: 9781788689151 / Dimensions: 165mm × 210mm/ Format: 168pp, softcover

Price: AU$29.99

About the Author'

While not travelling, reading, gaming, watching films AND writing reviews and articles, Alex loves exploring the shops of Melbourne searching for classic pop culture trinkets.

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