

Published on March 5th, 2017 | by Admin

Tech21 Evo Play iPad Air 2 Review

Tech21 Evo Play iPad Air 2 Review Admin

Summary: The tech21 Evo Play iPad Air 2 case is almost childproof!



Children love iPads but sometimes accidents can happen and even though the most innocent explanation may raise some eyebrows, this is where tech21 come into ‘play’ with their latest heavy duty case called the Evo Play which has been designed to protect your iPad Air 2 from a whopping 2 metres. So no matter what adventures your children get up to, the Evo Play should give your or their iPad some much needed protection from those accidental drops. Installation is also very easy as the iPad basically slides into the Evo Play and presto, you’re ready for an adventure to be had!

The Evo Play comes in two different colours, obviously themed for each gender that includes a blue case with a green handle or a pink case with a baby blue handle (reviewed). In terms of appearance, one could be forgiven in thinking that you are looking at a children’s toy but upon further inspection, it is a heavy duty iPad case that even comes with a carry handle that can also be used as a stand to allow younger users to watch videos or play games together.

At present, the Evo Play is priced at $109.95AUD (March 2017) and uses FlexShock Foam to help dissipate the shock away from the iPad itself. The other cool aspect about the design is the carry handle which is very sturdy as well. Another interesting design element is that it is also dishwasher friendly of up to 60 degrees Celsius so keeping it clean is easy. All in all, it’s a well designed product from tech21.

Final Thoughts?

The Evo Play iPad Air 2 case is a very sturdy product from tech21 that is not only drop proof but maybe childproof. It comes in two kid friendly colours with easy installation and if you’re looking for that extra later of protection, check it out.

For more information, please visit https://www.tech21.com/en_au/evo-play-case-for-apple-ipad-air-2

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