Supervisor Cosplay Interview (Sorano Suzu)
We catch up with the amazing cosplayer and costume designer ‘Supervisor Cosplay (aka Sorano Suzu) …
How did you become involved in cosplay?
I’ve always loved to act on scene and to do different things by hand – sewing, crafting and design. My dream was to become a clothes designer and finally dream came true, and I must say cosplay helped me a lot with that. Plus, in my opinion cosplay is the most interesting and complicated way to express all your feelings about character or fandom you cosplaying.
Who’s been your favourite character that you’ve cosplayed so far?
It so hard to tell, I love every character who I cosplayed! But lately I think it is Tira(Soul Calibur V), Eliza(Tekken Revolution) and Ezreal(League of Legends).
Photo by Akami []
Most challenging?
I think most challenging cosplay for me was Kili (“The Hobbit” movie). He is too manly for me! And recreating a real movie costume is really a hard job. The costume itself is not the easiest one but the work was hard and fun, because I love to overcome difficulties. It was a very interesting experience for me, soon I’ll finish all the small details and then I’ll be ready to proper photo session.
Where do you get your inspirations from?
From everywhere! Games and movies, art & literature, music and weather – I am a dreamer, my dreams and imagination is the main thing that keeps me going further. Famous designers and talented friends is precious for me – all of them motivates me to work over my skills to make my own works more inspiring.
Who’s been your most badass cosplay that you’ve played so far?
I think it is Lilith (Borderlands 2). She’s truly badass isn’t she? Fire hawk, queen of bandits! I tried to act strong and decisive to make cosplay loothe ks impressive.
If we’ll talk about only appearance, I think it is Nidalee (League of Legends). She is the most “undressed” character I’ve cosplayed, she is graceful and appealing. But! She is not acting sexy as character, she is a wild warrior and she doesn’t think about her own attractiveness.
So I think truly sexiest character I’ve ever cosplayed is Eliade (D.Gray-man manga). She’s got a very provoking outfit and as a character, she desperately wants to be loved, so she acts and thinks in that way too.
If you had unlimited time and money who would you cosplay and why?
I’d love to make one of League of Legends “PROJECT” skins – Ashe or Leona. But sadly I have poor skills for so cool futuristic and high-tech-like costumes.
What’s the coolest thing you own?
Maybe it will sound like cliché – but it is my family and friends – they always support me. And my dreams too, of course – when you have dreams and goals, you can overcome anything!
Tell us something about you that people may not know?
I am incredibly lazy! I am trying hard to fight that thing, but laziness always wins. When I will beat it, I will bring to life all my plans and wishes.
What advice would you give to people wanting to cosplay?
Don’t be afraid to cosplay anyone you like. Love your character! Love yourself! Work as good as you can, and never listen to bad-mannered comments which says your cosplay is just bad. If you want to improve yourself, try to listen only to people who will advice you how you can make your cosplay better. Work with pleasure and have fun! That is why you cosplay, in the end. Don’t let anything ruin this fun for you!
If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
I want powers to stop and rewind time so I could bring all my creative plans to life, learn new things, visit places all over the world! Sadly I have so little time for all that.
Lastly, what else does 2016 hold for you?
It was interesting and fun year, and I hope it will ends even better!
Follow Supervisor Cosplay (Sorano Suzu) on the following sites