Sydney, Australia – 10th August 2018 – The STRANGE BRIGADE will soon set off in search of peril, but their daring exploits won’t end at launch… Indeed, escapades will escalate with the introduction of free monthly content – stay tuned for more details!
With just under three weeks until the launch of Strange Brigade, we’re excited to lift the sarcophagus lid on two very exciting surprises: Score Attack and Horde Mode!
These two modes – playable in single-player or two-four player – will be available FREE at launch, and we’re delighted to confirm that both will receive free content updates post-launch!
So, what are these modes? Read on adventurer, and find out…
Score Attack is a fast-paced mode, all about cutting through large numbers of enemies with as much speed and style as you can, in an attempt to keep that combo-multiplier as high as possible! As you might expect, this ticks up as you take down your enemies in quick succession but will deplete should you take too long to score a kill!
As well as this, there are also big bonus points up for grabs – such as not taking any damage, racking up the headshots, and other devilish challenges to keep you coming back for more.
Horde Mode may seem familiar at first, but the crack team at Rebellion worked their magic to take some of the core gameplay mechanics and reinterpret them into a fresh new mode!
Similar to spending gold in the campaign to unlock new weapons, special weapons and more, in Horde Mode you accumulate gold by killing enemies – but how do you spend it? Do you splash the cash on the Flamethrower, knowing once it runs out of gas it’s done, or do you save your gold to open up new parts of the level to potentially unlock more goodies like health potions or loot?
STRANGE BRIGADE launches 28th August for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.