
Published on April 12th, 2022 | by Andrew Bistak

Steph Broadbridge Interview (Hot Chick/ Tired Mum)

We catch-up with the hilarious Steph Broadbridge to talk comedy!

So Steph, what are you most looking forward to the MICF?

The hangs. I can’t wait to see everyone at their absolute worst. It’s a vibe.

COVID, Pandemic, Lockdowns… how did you survive?

I live on my own so I talked to the fridge for a bit, I spent 2 grand on Candy Crush, I also had a writers group that met up over zoom every Sunday and that was the absolute best.

And your funniest lockdown story (if that’s possible)?

I did a few zoom gigs, actually they were the opposite of funny. I think the funniest thing I did in lockdown was I decided I was going to be someone who knits with curtain bangs. Both terrible ideas.

Tell us a little about your new show, Hot Chick/ Tired Mum?

My show is about being a woman in your 30s who has zero interest in getting married or having kids, and trying to navigate a progressive world that I don’t belong in anymore.

Where did you get your inspiration from?

The show is inspired by my life so far, and something my now ex-boyfriend said to me. Don’t tell him though, he’ll be all smug about it.

What do you think will resonate most to your audience about Hot Chick/Tired Mum?

I think everyone thinks that their brain is a bit weird so I’m hoping that translates to people.

Compared to other festivals, what makes the Melbourne International Comedy Festival so different?

To quote my favourite teen movie Old School “Everybody’s doing it”

Who are you most looking forward to catching up or seeing at the MICF 2022?

I love Lizzy Hoo and I’m dying to see her new show, also Bec Melrose. There are so many good acts this year. I’m going to really put my artist pass to good use.

Lastly, how would you sum up your show in a Tweet?
I’m 30 something years old and I’m still expected to know what lit means. ​

About the Author

When he's not trying to save the world, Andrew enjoys travel (although loathes turbulence), going to the movies, reading and being a dad to his two dogs (and now twins) with his wife.

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