Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #5 (2021) Review
Summary: At least this storyline has now definitively ended if you don't count the two other crossover events next year. It does tie up loose ends reasonably.
It finally ends!
Finally an end to this series and all the related crossover comics, only to find there are another two series that will happen next year Crimson Reign and Hidden Empire, doh!
This is certainly the most action-packed of the stories with Leia, Chewbacca and the gang about to rescue Han Solo from the Empire, the Hutt clan attacking the Empire and Darth Vader chasing Luke around above the planet. They have to get the Emperor on the phone to get Darth Vader to stop the Hutts personally.
The best thing about this crossover event is that it gave you an opportunity for all the character’s different storylines to come together and see how they interacted with each other. The worst thing would be having to buy five different comics instead of just one but DC and Marvel do this kind of thing all the time. I have been enjoying the one-shots and hopefully there are more of those in the future.
If you have stuck it through the entire War of the Bounty Hunters storyline then this is a satisfying enough conclusion even if the resolution was just another crossover event. There is no real obligation to keep going with this story if you just wanted to see the end of this one.
I would still consider getting this particular one as a trade paperback myself as it has such a lot of action in it and hopefully it comes up in things such as the Book of Boba Fett and other film projects in the future.
Comic details:
Writer: Charles Soule
Penciler: Luke Ross, David Messina
Cover Artist: Steve Mcniven
Publisher: Marvel
Published: October 13, 2021