Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #27 (2020) Review
Summary: Tasu Leech once again gets his time to shine. Seems to be waiting for the next thing to happen in this storyline.
Hard up for work after Crimson Dawn sent Dengar and the Knights of Ren to try to kill them, T’onga and the crew take on a bodyguard mission for the Pikes in a disco ship on the edge of a black hole. Things predictably go south and Tasu Leech comes face to face with Kanjiklub for the first time. Valance finds his commander may be more interested in him than he thought.
While this is mainly still following T’onga and the crew, they do still cut back to Valance from time to time. There does not seem to be a big storyline at the moment and it was good to see Tasu Leech getting his own cover. I am excited to see if they meet Razoo Quin-Fee at some point in the future but that seems to be a ways off. If they are in the new continuity there is always a chance they could turn up in the new Star Wars live action series at some point as everything is on the table.
There is quite a bit of action in this one and the favourite PEW and CHOOM blaster sounds make an appearance in the fight scenes.
While not one of the instalments of this series it is vital to read, it does keep the action going along nicely in the storyline.
Comic details:
Writer: Ethan Sacks
Penciler: Paolo Villanelli
Cover Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Publisher: Marvel
Published: September 14, 2022