Standing Up, Falling Down DVD Review
Summary: This dramedy is a story about redemption and friendship. It is good, but it won’t change your life.
Second Chance
“Standing Up, Falling Down” is a film about two men waiting at the bus stop of life as everything else seems to be passing them by. The story is hardly unique or earth-shattering, but it does have an understated charm at times. There are moments however, where the finished product can seem as ho-hum as the way that the leads are living – or not living – their daily lives.
Ben Schwartz stars as Scott, a stand-up comic. He left his small town in Long Island and dreamt of hitting the big time. Fast forward a few years and his dreams are dashed. He returns home with his tail between his legs and ruminates on what might have happened if he hadn’t left and broken up with his lover way back when.
Scott meets Marty (played by the excellent, Billy Crystal). Marty is a hard-drinking dermatologist who is also nursing a bucket-load of regrets. These include two failed marriages and estranged adult children. The two men form an unlikely friendship. The pair’s close bond means they help and learn from each other’s past mistakes.
Director, Matt Ratner’s film is rather formulaic. Film audiences have seen many stories of redemption on the silver screen. We’re well-versed in people who are down-on-their luck and trying to rebuild their fortunes. We’ve also seen plenty of bromance films about odd-couple style friendships. We are traversing well-trodden ground here.
Thank goodness for Schwartz and Crystal’s sparkling chemistry. While Schwartz’s stand-up performances can land a little flat at times, there is no question that the pair share a convincing friendship on-screen. There are some long, wordy scenes and it’s possible that writer, Peter Hoare is pushing for realism. That may be the case at times, but there are some moments that seem far too bizarre and out there to be plausible.
“Standing Up, Falling Down” is a good film and an easy watch for the most part. Its short run time and undemanding subject matter mean it is a breezy watch for viewers. It hits many familiar beats, which might make it appealing to some, provided they don’t go into it expecting a mind-blowing symphony.
DVD Details
Directors Matt Ratner
Actors Billy Crystal, Ben Schwarz, Eloise Mumford
Film Genre Comedy
Label Umbrella Entertainment
Running Time 91
Aspect ratio 1.78:1
Region Coding 4
TV Standard NTSC
Rating M
Consumer Advice Coarse language, sex and drug references
Year of Release 2019
Primary Format – Movies/TV DVD