The battle for Nueva York begins!
Stricken by pandemonium the people of Nueva York have banded together to take part in Carnages’ hive in Spider-Man: Dark Genesis #3. Unable to fully comprehend that Carnage is only out to feed himself, the masses have sanctioned him as their liberator. Before anyone working under the Public Eye could be served up on a silver platter to Carnage, Miguel leaps into action headfirst. Leading the charge to save the souls of many, Miguel and his allies put their plan into motion to subdue Carnage, lure him to Ghostrider, and expose him for the fraud he is. A full-on brawl takes place as Moon Knight and Venom become acquainted while interrogating Alchemax officers. They later find themselves lending a hand in a face-off against Carnage and his hive. Carnage pulls a trick up his sleeve and turns the tables. This is one night Nueva York will never forget.
Orlando (Martian Manhunter, Scarlet Witch, Undertow) progresses forward with havoc continuing to drive home the frenzy taking place in Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #3. Usually, the consistency of stories like these tends to dwindle mid-way through, but Orlando manages to keep a steady pace. However, this time he decided that more blood and irrationality would suffice to make the story interesting. He wasn’t wrong about taking that route, which makes for a new surprise near the end of the comic book. Compared to recent battles, this one had more time spent on engagement than the rest. It’s unclear why this issue received the most attention outside of the others, but perhaps this was intentional to serve as the rising action to what seems to be a pivotal moment in the story.
Giving the comic book his best prowess, Mason (Death of the Venomverse, ‘Tis the Season to Be Freezin’, Spider-Punk) doesn’t fall short in his illustrations. His interior work shoulders Orlando’s storytelling capabilities. This means Mason knows how to visually capture the written words set out for him to bring to life. With that in mind, Mason wields his artistic command over each page and within each panel. He establishes a world in which readers can find themselves immersed. He even depicts Carnage as being the scariest monstrosity to look up to as he is deciding a person’s fate. It is sure to send shivers down anyone’s spine in that predicament any day of the week. Comparably, Bradshaw (Deadpool, Emprye, Flashpoint Beyond) and Rosenburg (Age of Apocalypse, Alien, Astonishing X-Men) did a fantastic job well done on the cover of this issue. The artwork as a combined project among the artists is superb. Unfortunately, while this is a neat cover Frank Castle appears nowhere in Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #3. Hopefully, Frank is in the next comic book release.
Last, but certainly not least, Boyd (Savage Hulk, Old Man Logan, The New Golden Age) and Petit (All-Out Avengers, Ant-Man, Black Widow) seemingly partake in having the most fun out of any other creators in the making of this comic book. Between Boyd and Petit there are indications that they were having fun on this one. Notably, Petits’ lettering contributed to a lot of Mason’s linework while Boyds’ colors enhanced the overall visuals.
Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #3 reveals the fight is long from over and Carnage is not giving up. Miguel and his friends aren’t giving up either. It’s only going to get crazier from here. Don’t forget to pick this issue up from anywhere comics are sold whether they are online or at your local comic book shop. Next is the King in Blood.
Comic Details
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Justin Mason
Colorist: Jordan Boyd
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Cover Artists: Nick Bradshaw, Rachelle Rosenberg
Editor: Mark Paniccia
Publisher: Marvel Entertainment