Sleep well Siba & Saba Book Review (Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl & Sandra van Doorn)
Summary: Sleep well Siba & Saba Book by Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl & Sandra van Doorn is a delightful tale about two sisters that even though they lose material items, they always have each other.
Africa found
Sleep well Siba & Saba is a book about two sisters in Africa who have an amusing habit of losing things but thankfully not each other. The book which is written by Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl and illustrated by Sandra van Doorn introduces the reader to the two sisters who almost lose something everyday.
Not only is the book well-written but the illustrations have some very clever humour in them such as the day when Siba and Saba lose their dog as they have a flyer showing their missing pet. However their dog also has a flyer stating that they have also lost Siba and Saba. It’s these little clever pictures that adds an element of interactivity to the story, including the dream moments.
So as the story continues, the reader follows Siba and Saba as they venture throughout their country from beaches where they lose their silver sandals to their bedroom slippers at their cousins home. However while they sleep, they find all the things they have lost such as their satin sash during a trip to the Savannah or their mother’s shawl while visiting the sunlit Sipi Falls.
The book ends with Saba’s father giving her a school uniform for her future as the sisters share a smile between each other and as they grow, they no longer dream about the things they lost but rather the things they will see in the future which is a beautiful way to finish the book.
Final Thoughts?
Sleep well Siba & Saba channels a true African spirit that can be enjoyed by anyone in the world. The sisters are interesting characters as are their adventures and dreams which is very well written by author Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl. When matched with the art of Sandra van Doorn, it creates this almost magical tale about two sisters that although they may lose their material items, they always have each other.