Simon Tait Interview @SilversCircus
We catch-up with Simon Tait, the Ringmaster and Promotions Manager at Silvers Circus! Welcome to Impulse Gamer Simon, so tell us how did you become involved in Silvers Circus?
About 32 years ago a friend of mine who had worked for Silvers Circus introduced me to the family. I join Silvers Circus as ringmaster and grand illusionist.
Silvers Circus has evolved considerably since it first started, how does this evolution occur?
Yes, Silvers Circus has evolved over the years. Of course, a lot of circuses over the years have used wild and exotic animals. Now these are no longer a part of our show.
Circuses have evolved in other ways, with newer and easier technologies improving performances all round, lighting and sound for example. Also the methods used for erecting tents and the modern design of tents.
Throughout your career within Silvers, what are your top two highlights?
I don’t have favourite moments or memories that stand out really, as every performance is as important and exciting as the last. That sounds a little cliche!
So I would say one of the most standout times with Silvers was the wonderful tour of Tasmania where we performed at the Derwent entertainment Centre, where the crowds were amazing.
I still remember the lineup of vehicles entering the lot and you could see them coming across the hill down the other side, that was exciting!
In the current performance, what is one of your favourite acts?
In our current performance, I would have to say one of my favourite performances is our new comic Mr Walison Muh.
And most challenging aspect of bringing this performance together?
To have everybody healthy and uninjured and ready to go each and every performance?
Lastly, where do you Silvers Circus in 20 years’ time?
Silvers Circus will be rolling along down the old Circus Road, ever evolving ever-changing, ever recovering and forever entertaining.
Silvers Circus is currently performing in Waurn Ponds Geelong and for more information please visit