
Published on April 8th, 2023 | by Andrew Bistak

Silvers Circus Review (2023) @silverscircus

Silvers Circus Review (2023) @silverscircus Andrew Bistak

Summary: Silvers Circus delivers a spectacular modern rendition of what is a circus is in 2023



The famous Australian Silvers Circus is currently performing in Waurn Ponds Geelong and we were given the chance to check out their spectacular circus extravaganza. Silvers Circus has been a household name since the 70’s and recently, they allowed us to visit a very famous street with the Sesame Street Circus Spectacular.

However this time around, Silvers Circus delivers a more refined and modern circus experience that is led by comedian and ringmaster Wallison Muh who was recently see on Australia’s Got Talent in 2022 and had the audience in hysterics. Adding to the laughs he selected two victims… er… volunteers that just enriched his performance even more.

The fantastic and almost superhuman acts include juggler Daniel Vilar who combined lighting with way too many juggling sticks to wow the crowd to Yonas Abey riding the world’s smallest bike and displaying his amazing control of not just one but two unicycles.

Add the clever (and very funny) Wonder Dogs led by Mohamed, aerial acrobat Amanda whose amazing strength and skills defies logic and two well fed dinosaurs from the Jurassic era and Silvers Circus is like being on a roller coaster that will have your adrenaline pumping, especially when matched with the lights, smoke and music!

Mohamed and his two daughters (Amina & Naeima) return later in the show to display their amazing strength and balance plus Gypsy Rose who creates this amazing dance party routine of lights, music, steadiness and more hula hoops then is humanly possible. And just when you thought you’ve seen everything, the Phoenix Riders arrive on their three trail bikes as they ride The Globe of Destiny at insanely high speeds. The last act also stars Wallison Muh who briefly stands in the middle of the globe as these riders whiz around him. Mind mindbogglingly dangerous!

Final Thoughts?

Perfectly timed for the school holiday and whether you live in Geelong or just down the road from Melbourne, Silvers Circus at Waurn Ponds is perfectly placed and more importantly delivers a spectacular circus performance from start to finish, including plenty of laughs from comic Wallison Muh to Mohamed and his equally funny and amazing wonder dogs. Add balancing acts, aerial feats and these circus performers really defy what is humanly possile.


For more information please visit and Silvers Circus is currently at Waurn Ponds from 31/3/2023 to 30/04/2023

Check out our two interviews from Silver Circus below!

Simon Tait Interview @SilversCircus

Gypsy Gomez Interview (@SilversCircus)

About the Author

When he's not trying to save the world, Andrew enjoys travel (although loathes turbulence), going to the movies, reading and being a dad to his two dogs (and now twins) with his wife.

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