Shang-Chi #6 (2021) Review
Summary: Shang-Chi goes toe to toe with Thor. A fun story that does not work out the way you expect it would.
The Avengers turn up at the palace of Shang Chi demanding he hand over the Cosmic Cube. Shang Chi swears he does not have it and Thor starts tearing up the place looking for it. Not wanting his entire family to get taken down he agrees to go one on one with Thor. For some reason he ends up holding his own but not for the reason he expects.
I did miss the last couple of issues of this story but the set pieces are big enough for it to sill hold your interest. Who wouldn’t want to see how Shang Chi would go against Thor? He has already taken on Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine and the Fantastic Four at this point. It always ends in an understanding he is trying not to be the bad guy and is not like his father.
I am not sure what is happening in terms of follow-ups to the Shang Chi movie but if interest keeps up with stories like these there is sure to be something coming out sooner or later.
This one comes recommended if you enjoy this character of the writer as he is always reliable in terms of his storytelling and it is pretty fun.
Comic details:
Writer: Gene Yang
Penciler: Dike Ruan
Cover Artist: Leinil Francis Yu
Publisher: Marvel
Published: November 17, 2021