SECOND COMING #6 (2020) Review
Summary: Sunstar and Sheila leave Jesus to look after their apartment while they are away on honeymoon on the proviso he doesn’t start any religions while they are gone. As luck would have it an old enemy of Jesus’ turns up and ruins anything.
Sunstar and Sheila leave Jesus to look after their apartment while they are away on honeymoon on the proviso he doesn’t start any religions while they are gone. As luck would have it an old enemy of Jesus’ turns up and ruins anything.
This was the last instalment of this series but even without having read the other ones, I am perplexed as to the point of this series? There have already been Jesus in the modern world takes before that have been handled much better such as Jesus of Montreal and this one does seem to be serious in its’ intentions and some joke.
The flashback sequences are confusing and I am not sure where they fit within the context of the story. I might need to have read the rest of this series to get where they are coming from but as such can’t recommend this one much at all.
Some nice artwork and character designs and the preview for Billionaires Island looks interesting.
Comic Details
Story: Mark Russell
Cover: Amanda Conner
Art: Leonard Kirk, Richard Pace