
Published on January 13th, 2019 | by Admin

Sea Life Melbourne (2019)

While visiting Sea Life in Melbourne last week, I kept channeling the lyrics from Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Under the Sea and here I am again, humming the tune from this song. So while Sea Life is an enjoyable experience, it’s also a very memorable one that is filled with some stunning Under the Sea creatures, including those above it such as frogs, snakes, penguins and Melbourne’s very own megacrocodile, Pinjarra, a 5 metre 55-year old crocodile weighing in at around 750 kilograms who is a true monster of the deep.

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else’s lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin’ for?

So while I digress back to Disney and like similar exhibitions, before entering Sea Life Melbourne, you do get your photo taken which can be purchased in the gift shop but what resonated with me the most was that while exploring this behemoth of an aquarium, you actually feel like you are underwater which makes the whole visit a much more enjoyable one.

More importantly, the goal of Sea Life Melbourne is one of conservation and protection, including creating environments that are as close to home as possible as you encounter all sorts of underwater creatures from sting rays to sharks, clown fish (aka Nemo), Sea Horses, jelly fish and even turtles to name just a handful. There’s eveb ab interactive exhibition where you can touch some of the sea life like star fish and even swimming with the sharks or getting up close to penguins with the last two, an additional cost.

Furthermore, Sea Life Melbourne even has a special guest at the moment with Meechee from the film Small Foot who makes for some excellent family photos. Add in a 4D cinema and presentations by the staff plus the absolutely stunning Mermaid Garden and Sea Life Melbourne is a must visit destination which is a thoroughly enjoyable and informative aquarium which is located in the heart of Victoria’s capital city.

Final Thoughts?

With a few more weeks of the school holidays left for January 2019 and if you’re looking for something for the entire family, including grandparents, Sea Life Melbourne is awaiting your presence for a true Under the Sea experience from start to finish… and the penguins are pretty cute as well!


Life is bubbles, under the sea!

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