Ross Steeves Cirque Adrenaline Interview (The Arts Centre Melbourne)
Welcome to Impulse Gamer Australia! So what drew you to the circus arts?
I’ve always loved the circus. When I moved to Los Angeles, my friend Super Tall Paul started performing with fledgling circus troupe called Lucent Dossier. They were so beautiful and mysterious, yet so silly and just absurd. I loved it.
Growing up, who were some of the artists or shows that inspired you?
Harold Lloyd, Saturday Night Live, Chris Farley, Dana Carvey, In Living Color, Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx,
How would you describe Cirque 6Adrenaline in your own words?
CIrque Adrenaline is a total thrill ride. You watch the show from the edge of your seat with your palms sweating, whilst you bite your own nails and the persons next to you. You should always apologize for that by the way. The performers are multi generational circus. In other words, it’s in their DNA to do things that humans shouldn’t be able to do.
So tell us how you became involved in Cirque Adrenaline?
I have to give a huge thanks to Darren “Dizzy” Partridge from Cirque Journey Entertainment. In 2012, he needed someone to replace him in a month long show. The producers of that show connected to Zen Arts, a troupe I’ve been performing with since 2010. Dizzy trained me for a week in Mertle Beach, SC and left me to my own devices to figure out my own version of what he did. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Dizzy is now my agent. See why I want to thank him?
Can you describe your role in Cirque Adrenaline?
I’m the clown, so I shake things up. Release all the built up tension. Call me a palette cleanser.
What’s your favourite part of the performance and why?
My favorite is when the whole audience is focused and laughing at one thing. It’s usually something nobody, including myself, expected. It’s pure evidence of harmony.
Most Challenging part of the performance?
Anything remotely technical. If you see me doing something technical, know that I’m being challenged.
How about most rewarding?
The audience knows their role and feeds me. I love all of their reactions and use them. It’s so fun.
Can you walk us through your training regime?
That’s still in development. It always is. I try to break a sweat in front of an audience as much as possible and take improv classes. Exercise wise, I do basic your push ups and arm circles. When no one is looking, I’ll get in front of a mirror and flex like Bruce Lee.
What are you most looking forward to in bringing the show to Melbourne?
I’m eagar to see what Melbournians laugh at and extorting their funny bones.
Lastly how do you relax or wind down after a performance?
Usually, I like to get out and shake hands with the audience, hang out with the cast and my wife Ashley and, especially lately, play with Wren my baby girl.
Cirque Adrenaline is playing in Melbourne From April 1 to 10 and for more information, please visit