

Published on November 28th, 2016 | by Admin

Rogue One … pre-sale, 800 tickets per minute plus the Ultimate Star Wars Mannequin Challenge

Star Wars fans gathered in Sydney today to be a part of the Ultimate Star Wars Mannequin Challenge in celebration of the release of advanced ticket sales for the much anticipated Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Using a one-take video technique, fans dressed in their finest Star Wars costumes and cosplay outfits choreographed to create a scene between the Rebels and the Empire forces at George St Event Cinemas.

Furthermore, Tenneal from Event Cinemas has mentioned that 10 minutes after tickets went on sale, 8000 tickets were sold which is roughly 800 tickets per minute!

30+ Gold Class sessions already sold out, Gold class sold out 8 midnight sessions in the first 30mins and Vmax 3D is selling fast.

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