Raid Now Live – Uncover the Secrets of Ulduar in Wrath Classic!
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic community as the Secrets of Ulduar raid is now live!
As the campaign in Northrend continues against the Lich King, a new threat rises in the snowy mountain fortress of Ulduar, the site of the beloved Wrath Classic raid—now live! Adventurers will join Brann Bronzebeard and fight their way through Ulduar, taking on the titans’ maddened constructs as they face the facility’s darkest prisoner now freed: Yogg-Saron, one of the four old gods of Azeroth.
Along with the new Ulduar raid, here’s a look at what’s available with the Secrets of Ulduar content update for Wrath Classic:
- Dungeon and Raid Emblems: Emblems of Conquest
- Players will earn new Emblems of Conquest from Ulduar raid boss kills and the daily heroic dungeon quest, “Proof of Demise”
- Emblems of Valor will still be earnable in all heroic dungeons and the normal dungeon quest from Archmage Timear, while Emblems of Heroism will be phased out and can be exchanged for gold
- Titan Rune Dungeons
- Interacting with a titan relic at the start of a heroic dungeon will cause all enemies to gain health, deal increased damage, and be granted additional effects to create a Mythic+ style challenge for players with a Wow Classic twist and more rewards
- PVP Arena Season 6
- Contenders in the arena will be able to purchase Season 5 gear at reduced cost and prepare for a new ladder
- Argent Tournament Dailies
- Players will answer the call of the Argent Crusade by heading to the location of the new tournament grounds in Icecrown where they can begin daily quests to contribute towards building the new crusader arena
For more information on the Secrets of Ulduar content update, check out the World of Warcraft website.