RadClawedRaid Interview (Australian Cosplayer)
Welcome to Impulse Gamer RadClawedRaid and thanks for talking to us! How have you been?
Busy, but great!
What does cosplay mean to you and how did you get into it?
Although cosplay is just a hobby, it’s very important to me. I am always meeting new, wonderful and talented people through this awesome hobby. I got into it by seeing cosplay photos and videos online. It looked like a lot of fun so I wanted to give it a go too.
What about your cosplay name “RadClawedRaid”, how did you come up with that?
My old online username used to be Radical Edward (a character from Cowboy BeBop) and that’s why I’m known as “Ed”. I didn’t want my Cosplay Name to be the exact same as a characters name but wanted a connection to it, so a friend put it into an anagram creator and I thought “RadClawedRaid” sounded kinda cool, so that’s how I chose it.
You’ve played characters such from Baby Doll to Yang Xiao Long and lots more, do you have a favourite and why?
My favourite costume contsantly changes. Currently Ryuko Matoi, Yoko Littner and Rei Miyamoto are my favourites. They’re my favourites because I love the characters, series and designs so much.
Kill la Kill: Ryuko by RadClawedRaid – Copyright 2014 RadClawedRaid
If you can pick your dream character to cosplay and had no issues with finances, who would that be?
An Iron Man suit!
How do you make your costumes?
I go through reference pictures and break it down into smaller steps. I focus on one piece at a time, decide how it needs to be made (one piece, panels, darts, shape, size, etc) and how it connects/fits with the rest of the costume. I then mark it out, cut and sew. I add finer details after that point. Any accessories/armour/weapons/etc is basically the same.
Prop Showcase: Silent Death by RadClawedRaid – Copyright 2014 RadClawedRaid
What’s been your best highlight at one of the conventions in Australia?
Oh boy, there’s so many highlights at every con! I always love seeing con attendees get excited over the costumes people have made.
I try to avoid any bad happenings at cons… so I guess the worst I’ve had is forgetting my glasses/contacts and ending up not able to see anything with a headache XD
The Powerpuff Girls: Bubbles by RadClawedRaid – Copyright 2014 RadClawedRaid
Do you have a favourite genre that you like to cosplay?
Not particularly. I enjoy a variety of series and my cosplay choices vary just as much. I do love super detailed designs.
Are you going to Oz Comic-Con in Brisbane or Sydney this year and if so, which character will you be going as?
I’m not sure about Oz Comic-Con in Brisbane, but I will be attending the Sydney event. Cosplay plans haven’t been decided yet, but possibly Tinkerbell (Peter Pan) and Beth (Bravest Warriors).
What are you looking forward to most about Oz Comic-Con in Sydney?
Meeting new people and seeing the amazing talent work in costuming, photography & videography! :)
Trinity Blood: Seth Nightroad by RadClawedRaid – Copyright 2014 RadClawedRaid
So what does 2014 hold for you?
Lots of costuming and lots of study!
Lastly where can you fans and cosplayers find out more about you?
I’m most active on my Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/radclawedraid), but I also use a few other social media and cosplay websites which are all under the same username.
Thanks for your time!
And thank you! :)