Quake Champions | Burial Chamber Arena Profile and Trailer
We’re back with another sneak peek at one of the incredible Arenas coming to Quake Champions. This week, we’re taking a look at Burial Chamber, a gothic and grim combat space with wicked lava pools, tight corridors, and treacherous open spaces, where no one is safe from enemy Rockets and Rails. Skill is required to traverse this Arena, lest you find yourself tumbling to a molten death. Get your first look at Burial Chamber in this new video.
About Burial Chamber
The bones of a massive beast decorate the entry to this massive tomb. Hazardous platforms at the Perilous Outcropping dot the sea of lava, providing an ideal sniping spot for those skilled enough and brave enough to make the leap. With its winding tunnels and low ceilings, the claustrophobic grave sites of the Molten Underground offer up the opportunity for heavier Champions to do some serious splash damage, while the Lava Falls could provide an excellent chokepoint for skilled tacticians. Just be careful to avoid being pushed into the lava, which is a prevalent threat throughout the map.
**REMINDER: Sign-ups are now open for the Closed Beta, expected to launch in the coming weeks, at the game’s official web site: www.Quake.com.
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Quake Champions – Blood Covenant Arena Trailer
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