Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
blasts its way onto the PlayStation Portable that progresses the popular
Battlefront series. Based in the Star Wars universe, the gamer plays the
role of Col Serra, a commander in the Rebellion who was apparently a
vital link in assisting the Rebels defeat the empire. In its essence,
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is a mixed genre of a game that
features action, RTS and adventure.

Before engaging in the mission, the gamer must
select a starting point,
items and weaponry before embarking on their adventure. Unlike other
titles, the gamer has a set amount of credits they can spend before each
mission which means you need to carefully select the items and weapons
you will need. However, you'll also need to conserve funds for other
necessities in order to repair items or purchase one offs.
Another entertaining gameplay mode in the game is the "Galactic Conquest"
which allows you to move around an an interactive game board that has
been mapped throughout a quadrant of the galaxy. This aspect is more
like a strategy game where you can purchase soldiers, weaponry and
items and move them throughout the different sectors. The title also
contains the traditional capture the flag mode which is definitely a fun

The control system of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is rather
apt on the PSP and plays extremely well. For those familiar with
Battlefront II, the gameplay is almost identical and fortunately the
auto-lock feature allows you to lock into enemies and switch targets
quite easily. This is disabled in the more difficulty levels. Even the
space missions are quite easy to control with a well thought-out vehicle
maneuvering system. The only drawback of the auto lock is that it takes a
few seconds to deactivate which may be the few seconds needed between
life and death.
Renegade Squadron's multiplayer modes are
quite good with four players at once or sixteen players via
Infrastructure. Most of the maps cover familiar territory from the
previous game, but the new ones are a welcome treat. Various classes and
modes are also available so if you get sick of the good guy route, you
always have the option of turning to the Dark Side. The action runs very
smoothly, although it all depends on the strength of your Wi-Fi network.
Graphically, Star Wars Battlefront:
Renegade Squadron is a visual treat on the PSP with some very impressive
looking levels and detailed character models. Although some areas are a
little lackluster, the majority of the title is decent. Match that with
John Williams music and a variety of Star Wars special effects and you
have everything you need in a good Star Wars game.

In conclusion, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
is a good game and a great Star Wars game with good graphics, decent
gameplay and that great Star Wars universe that will make this a must
have title for PSP owners. |