World Tour Poker
Take a seat at the
world's most prestigious poker tournaments with World Poker Tour. Feel
what it's like to play with the world's best as you compete against real
World Poker Tour players, in real life World Poker Tour venues.
It's time to Shuffle Up and Deal!
I must admit that I’ve
become a fan of the World Poker Tour series on television and even
though there is nothing really in the content of the show, it somehow
draws you into the world of big game gambling. With that said, I was
pleased to discover that World Poker Tour has been faithfully recreated
on the PlayStation 2 to give the gamer that real casino feeling and
experience of the original television series.

Unlike real-life poker, World Poker Tour
features the virtual equivalents of Antonio "the Magician" Esfandiari,
Erick Lindgren, Evelyn Ng, Lyle Berman, Michael "the Grinder" Mizrachi,
and Phil "Unabomber" Laak that have been faithfully recreated to play as
their real-world counterparts. With that said, the best part of WPT is
that even if you have the worst losing streak in history, the players
real-world money is safe. Features:
Exclusive World
Poker Tour Presentation - Including real World Poker Tour venues
such as Commerce Casino and the Aviation Club, broadcast style
overlays and commentary featuring Mike Sexton and Vince Van Patten.
Elite Professional
Players - Compete against the virtual equivalents of Antonio "the
Magician" Esfandiari, Erick Lindgren, Evelyn Ng, Lyle Berman,
Michael "the Grinder" Mizrachi, and Phil "Unabomber" Laak, that play
each situation just like their real-life counterparts.
Master the Cards -
Improve your poker playing skills by utilizing in-game tutorials and
an in-depth stat tracking system that outlines your playing
tendencies in numerous situations.
Make Your Mark -
Create a player, launch a career, and strive to become a World Poker
Tour World Champion as you build your character's experience and
boost your career earnings by competing in multiple game modes
including Quick Play, Satellite Tour Play and World Poker Tour
Season Play. Flaunt your success by using your earnings to deck out
your player with hundreds of accessories.
Learning AI System -
Hone your game and play against AI that will learn how you play
poker at the table and adjust to your unique style of play just like
real players. Learn to play and bluff your way through huge
tournaments just like the pros on the World Poker Tour.
Limitless Poker
Variations - Create custom poker games by setting rules and limits
with the poker game editor, or choose from 14 different community
poker games including Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Pineapple, Double Flop
Hold'em, Super Hold'em, Billabong, Tahoe and Shanghai.
* Online - Take your stack
online to compete against players across the country, set up poker
nights with your friends, and chat live.
Before starting WPT, the
gamer must create their own virtual persona in order to take on the
world greats and to make things even more interested, the title also
supports online play that allows you to create your own buddy lists and
even chat with your opponents while playing poker.
Apart from the usual gameplay modes, WPT also offers a very intuitive
tutorial mode that basically teaches the player how to master their own
poker game. Another nifty feature is the game also monitors your
strategies while you play, that not only shows your weaknesses but also
your strengths. The gameplay modes that are featured in WPT; include quick play, satellite
tour play and World Tour Poker Season Play that is ideal for those poker
fanatics that wish for world domination... or is that casino domination?
It should also be mentioned that WPT features a wide gamut of different
poker styles that include greats such as Billabong and Double Flop
Hold’em. What are they? Well... in Billabong, you are dealt three down
cards and one up card, for a total of four hole cards. Next, three
community cards are dealt (the flop), followed by a second betting
round. Then a fourth community card is dealt (the turn), followed by a
third betting round. Finally a fifth community card is dealt (the
river), followed by a final betting round and showdown. You play the
best five-card poker hand you can make using three or four of the cards
in your hand plus one or two of the five community cards. As to Double
Flop Hold'em, you'll just have to play and apart from the 14 different poker styles, WPT also allows the
gamer to implement their own rules via the poker game editor.
Graphically, WPT is a slick game on the PlayStation 2 that features
polished graphics to go with the polished gameplay. The developers have
done a great job at recreating the casino environment and the players
have been faithfully created to look as real as possible with that touch
of “cartoon” magic. The background environments look amazing and really
help immerse the gamer into the world of poker.

As with the graphics, the sound in WPT features all the sounds one would
expect to hear from WPT with a rather amusing little soundtrack that
will make gamers wanting more. The sighs, the chips and shuffling of
cards, this is as realistic as you could get without spending your hard
earned cash at a casino.
In conclusion, WPT is a great poker game, provided you enjoy the game
and has hours upon hours of replay value. This is one of those games
that you’ll virtually be playing forever. Great stuff and recommended to
all poker buffs! PS2 Compatibility
1 player
Memory card (8MB for
PS2): 93Kb minimum
Analog Control
Compatible: analog sticks only
Vibration Function
USB Headset(for
Playstation 2) Compatible
EyeToy USB
Camera(for Playstation 2) Compatible
Network Adapter
(Ethernet, for PS2) Compatible: 1-6 Players