Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
year is 2007... Japan's creation of an Information Self Defense Force is
deemed a violation of international law and of their own Constitution
which ignites rising tensions between Japan, China and North Korea.
Facing North Korean and Chinese blockades of shipping across the Korea
Strait, Japan requests US assistance in accordance with American
obligations under Article 9 of the Japanese Post War Constitution. It's
time for Sam Fisher...
latest Splinter Cell game has finally arrived on the PlayStation 2 and
once again lets gamers play the role of Sam Fisher, a 50 year old NAS
operative for the United States government. Don't let his age scare you
because Fisher is still the best damn operatives the U.S. government has
got and once again they call upon his prowess to save the free world of
an apocalyptic disaster that is about to happen in Asia.
though the Splinter Cell series is "slightly" superior on the XBox, the
PlayStation 2 version should not be scoffed because it features the same
exciting storyline and gameplay that has made the XBox version so
popular. However with that said, there are a few missing features on the
PlayStation 2 version (such as some graphical effects and online
options) but you don't need to rush out and buy an XBox console because
the missing segments are minimal and fortunately doesn't affect the main
gameplay option.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (now known in this review as
Chaos Theory) is made up of three different gameplay modes that
include Single-Player Campaign, Co-op missions and a four person online
and LAN multiplayer mode. The basic mechanics behind the single-player
mode has not changed at all from its predecessors as the game still
requires you to use as much stealth as possible as you travel through
extremely dark locales to complete your mission. Most of the time you'll
be sitting in the shadows and waiting for an opportune time to attack.
When it is obvious that there are two or more guards in the vicinity,
then you'll probably be waiting even more, because simply running into
combat without a plan will reward you with the "mission failed" screen.
The good news is that this time around, the game is more forgiving to
impatient and careless behavior this time around, so if you want to
shoot most of your foes instead of sneaking up on them, go right ahead
because it will only make things more difficult for you, but it's
possible. In fact, before each level, you can choose equipment more
geared towards assault tactics instead of stealth. You still have to pay
attention to cameras, wall mines, and such.
veterans of the series already know, executing Fisher's basic moves
requires very little effort. Jumping, crouching, drawing/holstering your
weapon, picking up bodies, grabbing enemies from behind and more are all
accomplished by pressing one button. Latching onto ladders and poles is
easy too -- just walk up to it and Fisher will automatically grab on.
Naturally, Chaos Theory also offers some new moves. First off, Sam now
uses a knife in some of his close combat moves. When you grab a
character, he will now hold the knife up to the person's throat. Once a
character is in your clutches, you can press R1 for a quick lethal
attack or L1 for a non-lethal choke attack that makes the person pass
out. If you actually want to slit an enemies' throat, you have to sneak
up on them and press R1 without grabbing them.
Chaos Theory also features an exciting co-op mode which allows you and a
friend to go through various missions together with a vertical
split-screen view with the best part in the co-op missions is that you
can perform special co-op moves with one button press, such as boosting
each other or creating a human ladder anywhere you want. As with all
co-op games, the bigger your television the better as both gamers get
more viewing space on larger televisions and needlessly to say, the game
was simply phenomenal on my 82cm widescreen television. With that said,
the only disappointing thing to the co-op mode is that the XBox
version supports online co-op which would be extremely fun. Oh well...
Graphically, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is better looking than the
average PlayStation 2 game but the game can look bland at times. Don't
get me wrong, the lighting is great as always and Fisher's animations
are usually top-notch but some levels are simply too dark, dull and
claustrophobic which unfortunately shows the limitations of the aging
PlayStation 2 console. To be fair though, this game was optimized for
the XBox and PC and to be successfully ported onto the PlayStation 2 is
a feat in its own.
The audio and musical score of Chaos Theory is easily one of the
"better" games around at the moment and features the voice acting of
Michael Ironside for that real Hollywood movie feel. Match that with a
plethora of realistic sound effects and a soundtrack that is fit for any
big block buster action movie and you have one awesome sounding game.
In conclusion, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is a worthy
sequel to Ubisoft's popular franchise. With an awesome storyline, a
beautiful and well designed game engine, Chaos Theory is easily worth
the purchase that I would recommend to all gamers who want something
more than just action on their gaming diets. Check it out!