Spyro returns to the PlayStation 2 that
may very well be the final game for this console and once again
returns Elijah Woods (The Lord of the Rings) as Spyro and Gary
Oldman (Harry Potter) as Ignitus, the Fire Dragon and Spryo's
mentor. Featuring classic arcade platforming, this current
incarnation unfortunately does not give much to the genre that
suffers from some truly annoying gaming problems which may truly be
the nail on the coffin on this console. That cute purple dragon is
still around with some cool abilities and some fun gameplay but in
the end, the frustration may prove a little too powerful for some
gamers... read on!

The gameplay of this current incarnation unfortunately suffers from
poor controls, a sloppy camera, and outrageously annoying enemies
that provide a far steeper challenge than normal. If this is a game
designed for younger audiences, we wonder how many of them are going
to be able to finish it, considering the surprising difficulty we
experienced in the first few hours. Of course, much of that
difficulty stems from the mediocre technical implementation of the
combat system and the camera issues, which are major drawbacks.
It is possible to ignore the
shortcomings and have some fun for a while, but the game can get
very tedious due to lackluster level design and an uninteresting
storyline. Spyro has a bunch of cool new moves and Krome essentially
copied the gameplay feature that has been flavor of the year, time
manipulation. In this way, your adventure can be very fun at times.
If only it wasn't dragged down by the erratic and often annoying
controls. The primary issue centers on the wild camera and the fact
that Spyro will often out-maneuver the camera. Things can get moving
very quickly and the camera quite simply can't keep up. It's a pain
in the ass to control it during battle, plain and simple.
We mentioned those cool new abilities, and we weren't exaggerating.
Spyro may have more capability and power than ever before, and
that's one of the only reasons one might want to keep moving
forward. As you progress, you not only unlock new skills but you can
also level up your current abilities by gathering up blue crystals.
I did like the addition of energy bars, especially for tough enemies
and bosses but we spent far too long getting whacked by invisible
enemies. It didn't help that our opponents could always knock us out
of any combination attack we'd attempt, and too many of the special
moves were nowhere near as effective as they should've been. I know
we just said the main character has more capability this time
around, and that's true, but the fruits of our labor weren't
rewarded often enough. Spyro can unleash his Fury attack when the
purple meter fills up, and that's probably the one thing that will
save you from annihilation during unusually difficult boss

Graphically, Spyro's graphics have been
pretty consistent throughout on the PS2, and we're not seeing
anything different, here. There's some deep color and nice detail,
especially in the characters, but a lot of this presentation is
mostly bland and even a little blurry in some spots. We've always
liked the animations and flashy effects in these games, but by this
time, it's in definite need of a next-gen overhaul.
The sound, as usual, is the highlight of the game, although we're
still not too happy with it. The foundation of this category would
normally lie in the stellar voiceover talents of Elijah Wood, Gary
Oldman, Billy West, Kevin Michael Richardson and Mae Whitman. But as
we mentioned earlier, it almost seems as if the cast is phoning this
one in; either that, or the writing is too sub-par for even the best
voice talent to save it. However, at least the voices are still the
best part of this category, as both the soundtrack and effects
remain overplayed and generic. There is a decent variety in the
music, but it's not brought out enough, and the effects aren't bad
in quality but still fall into the category of "standard
In conclusion, The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night is a little
lacking in the world of arcade fun and playability that is matched
with great voice acting. That little purple dragon is as cute as
ever, the story isn't terrible, the pacing is better than average,
and there are some genuinely amusing moments. But it's nowhere near
enough. There are plenty of decent games geared towards younger
gamers out there, and in the past, we were always able to say Spyro
is one of them, however this one may be too difficult.