The Incredibles
Not as incredible as the film, The
Incredibles game is still none the less a pleasing distraction when
there is nothing else to do. Heavy Iron Studios worked on the game for
THQ and Disney, the result is good amalgamation of a move from point a
to point b and beat up everything in your path, to some pretty
interesting twists on a racing style gaming.
Incredibles are a family of super heroes, and this game gives players
the chance to slip on each one of their uniforms and get a taste of what
it is like to be an Incredible. The levels of the game are broken up in
such a way that each hero ends up being used. So you get to try each
Incredible out and see what it may be like to have such powers.
there is anything like a leader of the group that would perhaps be the
father…Mr. Incredible. He is for the most part invulnerable and has
incredible (No pun intended) strength. His levels are pretty straight
forward and not very inspiring at all. It’s a lot of get to point A then
B figure out a puzzle to get a force shield down so you can advance
forward and all the while beating up everyone in your path.
wife ElstiGirl, as the name implies can stretch her self and can beat
clobber the bad guys from long distance. While it is pretty cool to try
out these stretching powers it can be pretty much like Mr. Incredible’s
levels…Boring after a while. The levels do force you to rely on
ElstiGirls abilities at stretching. But like Mr. Incredible’s levels it
can get a bit repetitive.
(who I think would have been cool to call Shrinking Violet because she
is so shy) has the ability to turn invisible and to generate force
shields. Now it may be just because I am not into using stealth in
games too much but I liked Violet’s levels the least. Because of having
to be stealthy. Also her powers are rather unpredictable. You never know
when her powers are going to fail and some bad guys see you.
is maybe the most fun to play, just because of the super speeds. His
levels are much like a racing game…surprise, surprise. Racing against
the clock and dodging obstacles to get to one point to another…I ran
into a lot of things during play. Over and over and over. The trouble
is there is never a ten year old around to play these levels when you
need them.
of the action in the levels do change up a bit with some rather fun, man
the turret shootum ups. I kind of liked those. They offer a nice change
of pace for a not so incredible game.
sound track is pretty cool and seems to perhaps be borrowed directly
from the film. It does a good job at getting you in the mood and keeps
things moving nicely. The graphics are pretty well done and keep for the
most part on par with the movie. The character all look like they do in
the film and the animations looks darn good.
game also has a free floating camera much like many games of this sort
has, it is not the worst system around but it is not the best one
either. In the PS2 version it had a habit of hanging a bit and seemed to
slow down at various times. It does the job but some times it is just
darn slow when trying to adjust to a better angle.
voice acting IN GAME is pretty repetitive as well. While the
transitional films seem for the most part taken from the movie itself,
one liner deliveries and single word deliveries IN GAME seem to be over
used. While not as bad as other games (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
comes to mind as a major over user) it can be a bit annoying.
are some extras included on the disk such as scenes from the movie, the
trailer, but the game is such a short game that there may not be a lot
there for any one over ten years old or major hard core fans of the
movie and these characters. The XBOX version boasts some extra
downloadable levels for the game using XBOX Live, but is that really
enough to merit a purchase at full price for this game? Not really.
Catch it when it goes down like 15 to 20 dollars less and then you got
your self a nice distraction for about 8 hours if you play it through to
finish. Other than that, it may not be worth your while to buy this
game. This is a case of try before you buy.
fun, play games.