Shadow of the Colossus
From the creators of ICO comes this giant killing
saga from THQ. Playing the role of the young warrior, you are on a quest
in a distant land to save the life of a young lady that you have brought
to a temple in hopes of reviving her. A voice in the temple you are in
tells you to seek and destroy these giant creatures that roam the land,
the Colossi.
These creatures are amazingly
big and whilst it might sound like the whole darn shooting match is
fighting these creatures, it’s the things that you have to do in order
to win battles that make this game so special. You are only armed with
your horse, sword and bow and arrows. That’s it. So it’s a constant case
of trying to work out the puzzles that are in the game to kill the
behemoths that you have to face.
It’s not a case of just shooting
or slashing either. Some of these creatures simply will not be destroyed
by simple attacks, so be sure to look around. It might be that you have
to take advantage of the environment and leverage things that are around
you to hit the beasts. They are massive, ranging from the size of a two
story house through to creatures that reach the clouds.
Graphically, fans will be
pleased with how great the game looks, with a graphical style that is
similar to ICO with a softened colour scheme and beautiful environments.
As you take place in these epic fights, the world lives and breathes
around you. It’s almost an artistic experience that takes your breath
away. Ambient audio compliments the game and takes you even deeper into
the whole fantasy/adventure experience.
Part of the game that is insane
during fights is actually the act of ascending some of these creatures
to attack vulnerabilities. The monsters will try to throw you off and
the experience is amazing as you have to try to hold on desperately
through a series of button presses and trigger holds. At first if you do
not realise that you are meant to do this, it’s a ongoing drama of
trying to climb up time after time to take on the creature you are
The weird thing about the
creatures are that they often will ignore you until you attack. This is
a twist in an otherwise fairly simple story but you will have to wait
until nearly the end to find out if taking on these creatures has really
been the right thing to do. After all, what have the Colossi done to
you? You’ve followed the advice of a voice for the whole game but what
were its motives? Play it and find out in one of the nicest games to
come out for some time.
Highly recommended.