The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer
Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is more for the kids than anything
else. Adults will find the game begins to be a bit of a bore. For
younger children who want to experience the Incredibles and play as a
couple of the neatest super heroes who take on wave after wave of
robotic baddies this is the perfect game that covers all platforms.
I repeat though, adults may want to stay away from this one. There is
not enough substance here to merit more than 30 minutes of play time for
an adult.
This game picks up more or less where the film and the last game left
off. This time around you get to play as Mr. Incredible and Frozone. As
with any super hero game there are big super hero sized crisis to take
care of. This time around it’s saving the world from the top villain, or
in this case the bottom villain. The underground dwelling Meany, The
What is interesting and actually kind of fun in this game is you’re able
to switch back and forth between characters at any time. Both of them
having different abilities come in handy and at key moments of the game
you must use one rather than the other to complete a task to advance
further. Often it’s not all that complex though, it just comes down to
either muscle or ice really.
Frozone’s main abilities are of course shooting streams of ice and of
course freezing objects and enemies. Mr. Incredible is only able to do
simple moves of punching and pounding and sometimes picking things up
and throwing them. Both Heroes are able to upgrade not only the
abilities they start with, but can upgrade to new abilities as well.
This is all very basic mind you; it just makes attacks such as punches
more powerful and some increases in health, nothing really major that
would prompt you to want to push for upping in levels really.
Through out the game there are a lot of switches to be pulled to get
onward in the game. Villains? Enemies? Well we have robots, lots and
lots of robots, there seems to be no end of the waves of robots and
turrets that our heroes must wade through for the final showdown.
The game shows it was not really made for any one over maybe 6 years old
because it is so linear and lacks any real appeal across the
demographics of age groups. I guess I was hoping to have more an
experience like the film; there was something there for everyone and not
just children.
If you as a gamer enjoy some challenges in your game play, do not stop
here. The Incredibles Rise Of The Underminer is very linear and has no
real challenge in it to speak of. It does have co op play so a pal can
jump in and play the character that you’re not playing, but what is the
use really? Two people playing just makes it even less of a challenge
than just playing it alone. You can switch with your fellow player so
you don’t have to get too bored stiff playing only one or the other
character, so there is a tiny bone they throw you in the game.
There are a lot of check points in the game which seem almost pointless
since it is pretty simple all the way through.
Controls for the game are pretty simplistic and do the job well. No
multi button presses to have to memorize here. This is a good thing
since I really don’t like to have to learn a huge amount of button
presses really.
Graphics are pretty good; everything has a pleasing amount of detail
while not going over board on anything. The effects are pretty good with
some nice explosions. There is not much of a variety to be had but again
it does its job.
There is not a lot of game play to speak of here but there is good
presentation, the locations such as destroyed city streets, Caves with
lava, and an interesting Ice area and of course the Underminer’s base of
operations. Sound is pretty darn good and adds to the game and almost
makes up for some of the limited parts.
In the end and all is said and done, The Incredibles: Rise Of The
Underminer is not for adults. Adults will most likely pass this one by,
but that being said it is a good game for kids who enjoyed the moves and
want more and maybe even dream of being a superhero like Mr. Incredible
or Frozone.
Have fun, play games
Edwin Millheim
Shael Millheim