Ratchet Gladiator
Its hard to think that
Ratchet and Clank are almost four years old on the PS2 console but yes
that is that case. This, the latest in the series is fantastic and
certainly fully worthy of adding to the collection.
The events of the game pick up shortly after Up Your
Arsenal and we find Ratchet capture and dolled up in combat armour
making his way through the mean streets. Clank for the first time in the
series, is not perched on Ratchet’s back and is more of a helper in the
game rather than being absolutely actively involved.
With a big focus on the weaponry, fans are going to
be pleased with the innovative items that Ratchet has to play with.
There are some great weapon effects and the way that the graphics play
with the light is also really nice to watch.
The graphics on the title are in line with others in
the series and look gorgeous. The pace takes a hit on occasion with
framerates dipping but never too badly. All in all, it is a great
looking game that Insomniac have really made a good effort with running
like a dream.
As you use weapons in the game you will get
experience with them and be able to power them up. These are called mods
and depending on the weapon being used will determine what sort of
powerup you can expect. It’s pretty neat and the progression of the game
makes the need for big guns even more essential for game advancement.
Something cool that has not been part of the picture
in the past is the ability to play through co-op at any time by having a
friend join in. I love co-op gameplay and this title has it in spades.
Ratchet Gladiator is a really fun game and
surprisingly enough I think that players of all ages are going to enjoy
it. It’s a really short game which may irk some seasoned player, with an
average run through of about say eight to eleven hours roughly, a bit
more if you need a few tries.
All in all a great stocking stuffer that the kids
will love.