Outlaw Beach Volleyball Remix
How do you react to a
game that is really just a rehash of a title that came out some time
ago? Well probably the same way that most gamers will; with disdain. Is
it a bad game, no not really but the original game came out a fair smack
ago and all that has happened this time is that there has been a smidge
added and the graphics are dumbed down for the less powerful console.
Once again as with all the Outlaw games,
you can actually enjoy the true sports game if that is what you are
after in a fun no hold barred game of volleyball. If you want to mix it
up though, with a flick of the switch you’ll have a ton of attitude
filled fun that will keep the crowd happy.
You can take this game online as you could
with the Xbox version and the whole thing runs pretty smoothly. One of
the things that you will notice when playing this “remix” is the
addition of two courts and some new uniforms but other than that there
is not a great deal to report. It doesn’t look like a lot of work was
done on making this game run on the PS2 and look good. So what we’ve got
is a game that runs fairly well but looks like crap (well compared to
the Xbox version).
For the most part I think that casual
gamers will have a bit of fun with this whilst other gamers will be a
bit annoyed at the title. With so many people owning more than one
console now, this release will not come as a fresh look to many of you.
For those who have not played the game
before you will find that the Outlaw series is a pretty solid variant on
the genre with a lot of cool alternate ways to play the game of
Volleyball. Give it a rent and see what you think.