With the stunning
release of NHL 2K7 on the XBox 360, the PlayStation 2 version is now
available and promises players the same excitement of the
next-generation consoles. NHL 2K7 is extremely reminiscent of the
previous version, however with the inclusion of a variety of different
manoeuvres, a change in the franchise mode, new rosters and also some
great visual treats for the PlayStation 2, this latest incarnation is
definitely worth a look.

The control system of NHL 2K7 is probably
one of the best out there and offers a variety of new "cheats" for the
newbie gamer such as shot aiming that can also be disabled for the
veteran hockey players. The addition of the pressure control allows for
three layers of defensive pressure on opposing players and by holding
down the L2 button and aiming at an opponent player, you shadow the
player and one more click allows toget physical. By tapping the button
three times, it prompts the game for a double team that is great for
crunch time.
The artificial intelligence of NHL 2K7 is exceptional and offers a
variety of different difficulty levels and does not just rely on the
gamer to win the game. Defence is really where the title shines, with
360 degrees of poke check controlled with the right analog stick and
some solid CPU AI on both sides of the puck. Defenders will lie out on
the ice to deflect slap shots and they'll continually clog the slot. On
higher difficulty levels, you'll have to work to score goals. On easy
levels, you'll look up in the third period and find yourself up 6-0.
The remaining game modes comprise a long list of pond hockey, the
Skybox, tournament, party mode with 15 mini-games, mini-rink and
old-school season mode. Skybox is your virtual trophy room where you use
points from gameplay to purchase classic teams and games like air
The Franchise mode is excellent this time around, featuring a team
chemistry system and dynamic rivals. Each team has a default set of
historical rivals, but if a team boots you from the playoffs or signs
one of your star players an instant rivalry forms. There are three
levels of rivalry, and beating up on your main rival is worth more to
your team's morale then knocking off a third-tier rival.

Graphically, NHL 2K7 is a great looking
game and proves that the PlayStation 2 still has a few more years of
life left in this old beast, the animations and frame rate are
exceptionally smooth even with the new dynamic camera which works the
console a bit harder than a simple overhead camera. The new camera is
lower to the ice and pulled back a bit, so you get a great view of the
action without feeling as if you are too far away. You can see your
whole team on the break and the camera will even drop behind the goalie
for one-on-one encounters. An excellent touch and a real improvement
over the traditional top-down angle.
In conclusion, NHL 2K7 is a brilliant game on the Playstation 2 that
features great graphics and gameplay with some awesome online play of
eight-player franchises and 30-team leagues. Clearly 2K Sports have a
winner on their hand and this game comes highly recommended! Goaaaaal!!! |