Heroes of the Pacific
Heroes of the Pacific is the latest World
War II arcade flight sim to cruise onto the PlayStation that transforms
players in Lt. Crowe, a US pilot who has been stationed at Pearl Harbour
whose family has a history of military service. Based on the USS
Arizona, your world soon turns upside down when the Japanese attack
Pearl Harbour and you're finally called to earn your stripes. Although
the storyline may sound like a clichéd Hollywood classic, it actually
suits the genre perfectly for this light-entertainment arcade flight sim
that features a variety of different gameplay modes.
Unlike stock standard arcade flight sims, Heroes of the Pacific also
contains some squad based mechanic such as your four wingman which you
can give basic orders to. Commands such attack and defend are used to
ensure your battle victories, however it should also be noted that your
wingman are not exactly the deadliest of pilots, so if you sit on your
laurels too long, you'll soon find yourself starting again.
Heroes of the Pacific has a variety of different missions that include
prison protects, escorts and of course deadly dogfights that is all what
this World War II game is all about. As you progress through the game,
you're rewarded with better weaponry and planes which is achieved by
earning points in the missions. Once you have accumulated enough points,
you can then begin to upgrade your plane but unfortunately the deadly
bombers of WWII are not upgradeable.
As this game is more arcade than flight simulator, every now and then
the game will test your prowess as a pilot and you must engage in
certain dogfights with bosses which actually increases the difficulty of
this title, provided you are the average gamer. With that said, the
control system of Heroes of the Pacific is easy to master and it should
take the average game around fifteen minutes to master the control
system of this entertaining title.
Graphically, Heroes of the Pacific is a rather impressive looking game
on the PS2 and contains some gorgeous looking plane models with
extraordinary texture details and also a variety of special effects such
as reflective surfaces, Hollywood style explosions and some of the
nicest lighting effects seen in a long time. The only downside to the
game is that it sometimes suffers from poor framerates, depending on how
many objects there are on screen at once.
The musical score of Heroes of the Pacific features that 1940's majestic
feel to it that really immerses you into the world of WWII and match
that with some quality voice acting and you have one great
sounding game. The game also features a plethora of plane sound effects
from explosions, engines and the deadly firepower that these beasts of
the sky carry.
In conclusion, Heroes of the Pacific is a breath of fresh air on the
PlayStation 2 and features some great gameplay, impressive graphics and
a very Hollywood sounding soundtrack. The only downside to the
PlayStation 2 version is the poor frame rate that may annoy some gamers.