first look, this title appears to not offer a lot. We are presented with
2D graphics for starters and what appears to be a superficial plot. Rest
assured though, this is not the case and what you have to look forward
to is an enchanting game that should see you hooked from start to

play as Lillet Blan (don�t these people ever have normal names!!), a
student of magic who is attending a school to learn how to develop those
skills. However the school also protects the ancient Philosophers Stone
and therefore is a target for our bad guys who reveal themselves
throughout the game.
would be forgiven for jumping on your computer chair and screaming HARRY
FREAKIN� POTTER at this stage with the obvious parallels including a
long bearded headmaster. But that is more or less where the similarities
end. This is a delightful strategy title that will have even veteran
players enjoying every moment.
Bright and detailed, the graphic approach to the game works well. I was
worried about the appearance when looking at the cover simply due to how
much I dislike some of the 2D graphics on some of the Street Fighter
titles, but this works well within Lillet�s world.
interface in which you control units at your disposal is very well
realised with the ability to pause gameplay and look at where everything
is and make rational decisions rather than issuing commands in a blind
panic. The enemy is well programmed too and makes good decisions most of
the time, providing a challenge rather than a slaughter fest for you
which is refreshing.
Questions abound in the title and these are also answered over time as
Lillet has to relive 5 particular days over and over and each time they
are repeated, new information comes to light as to who is doing what and
what their motivations are. It makes the game compelling just to see the
story play out. Not only that but you should get around 25-38 hours or
so gameplay out of it, possibly more! Great value.

Players should be aware that there are a number of disciplines to learn
in the title and as you grow in strength, the rewards are pretty neat.
Another thing I liked about the game was the fact that even when you get
neat stuff like dragons to fight for you, you don�t just get a dragon,
you�ll get a dragon�s egg and have to hatch it. Just neat stuff like
that that keeps you in check. These are facilitated by finding the
grimoires (spellbooks) that are scattered through the game and will
allow you to build spell runes that give you additional benefits.
think most players will be delighted with Grimgrimoire. It�s well paced
with a compelling storyline and all things said and done, a lot of fun
as well. Well worth the purchase. |