Ford Mustang
Having driven a Mustang
quite some time ago whilst on vacation in Hawaii (and yes that is
another story), I totally fell in love with the car and was keen to see
what this game had to offer. Unfortunately not a hell of a lot as I was
to find out almost immediately.
I think that punters will immediately try
to draw comparisons to other racing titles on the market and I’ll be the
first to say, don’t. Quite simply put it doesn’t hold up to them and
you’ll feel rather miffed about it all if you do try to. What this game
does is show you Mustangs from the day dot and you get the chance to
take them on the track and see what they can do. Or not.
Graphically the title looks like a weak
sister of Gran Turismo or Midnight Club and the handling of the cars is
not realistic with there being no full on feeling of the car being
driven by you but rather floating along at your command. Add to that no
damage models on any of the vehicles and you are guaranteed a good
looking ride every time, regardless of what happens on the road.
Loading times on the game are not very fast
and the title is not programmed to even keep the track that you are on
in memory so if you want to replay the title, you have to wait for a
time whilst it is loading again. A nice part of the game is that you can
push your opponents into oncoming traffic which will allow you to
skedaddle through nicely. Then its nervous time as your opponents can
return the favour, wrecking your chance of a win nicely. They are never
too far behind either which always makes for a fast game.
There are 22 different courses winding
their way around a smaller number of areas so you are likely to get very
used to the game, which in and of itself isn’t a bad thing, it’s just
something to bear in mind before cursing at the screen that everything
looks the same.
You can earn points during the race by
performing good skids or other wacky turns and these will all add up
toward your score, allowing you to unlock more Mustangs that those zany
guys thought would be a good idea to squirrel away. There are no
upgrades to your cars; what you pick is what you get so make sure that
you are kick ass from the get go!
All things said and done, this game tanked
a bit in my books and I’d only really think that those who could not
afford a better product or those who drool at Ford Mustangs are really
going to get anything out of it. I do believe the title meant well but
possibly was shoveled out too quickly to meet some sort of deadline
without a great deal of quality testing or feedback by gamers.
it a rent and see what you think.