Eye Toy Play Sports
support for up to 8 players, this is the latest offering for Sony’s
Eyetoy gadget that like the other titles before it, offers fast gaming
with the focus (get it? Focus?) being fun.

game however ups the ante with what I would consider being the most
physical version of the title with players actually being able to jostle
around on some games in real life in order to affect what is happening
on the screen. All with the exception of the boxing which for some
strange reason requires you to stand back to back and the camera will
sort the rest out.
There are a multitude of games on this puppy with the count appearing to
go into triple digits so I will be amazed at those of you who think
there is not much to do in the game. Spoiled for choice you are on this
one and it should provide many hours of fun for young and old.
guess it will be worthwhile mentioning that this game is one that unlike
some of the others in the series, is not that much fun on your own, it
simply does not convey the sense of fun or the stupidity that you feel
when battling it out amongst friends. Add to that if you like, you can
get a snapshot of your own faces to put onto the onscreen contestants
which actually don’t look that bad and up the hilarity factor a great

game handles the action pretty well onscreen considering its trying to
track the movements of a group of people and make sense of them. There
are moments when collision detection is slightly shaky, however for the
most part it’s a solid enough bit of fun. The title allows for 4 people
at one time on the screen and then if you have a larger crowd over, the
second bunch can just wait until you are done.
selection mode is the titles only downfall as with so many mini games to
play, this would have been bliss for you to just choose the sports that
you wanted to play as a group. Instead the game thinks it knows better
than you and serves up the entertainment instead. I’m not sure how much
work it would have been to include this, but it would have been great to
see so you could really brush up on the ones that you enjoy the most.
is a solid addition to the Eye Toy series and you can buy it with or
without the Eye Toy itself in case you already own one. This is great
stocking filler material at Christmas time for the whole family.