Telling the tale of
Jericho Cross, Darkwatch was originally going to be produced as a Sega
title but ultimately High Moon Studios went out and did things their own
way. What resulted was a horror type shooter that took us to the Old
Mixing country and supernatural together would have
been thought a weird combination initially but it actually works out
really well.
Who are the Darkwatch? Well they’re bunch of folks
who have sworn to stop the vampiric menace that is threatening to
overtake the wild west. With a pretty much generic first person shooter
set up, if you have played any FPS you should be fine with this one. The
mechanics of the title are the same as many that went before it and
whilst originality in this respect is down, kudos to the team for a
great game with tons of atmosphere.
The graphics on Darkwatch are fantastic and although
a multiplatform title, Darkwatch looks good on the PS2 and with the
exception of some dumbed down graphics that have had to be used to allow
the game to run on the older hardware. The gloom of the towns and
desolation of the open country really bring out the feeling of despair
that is prevalent in the game.
During the playing of the game you will have the
choice to make your own destiny through “good” and ‘bad” oriented
decisions. You won’t really see much change to your character based on
these but there will be some differences in the cutscenes that are shown
to you and some of the basic powerups and abilities that Cross can
Ultimately the gameplay is solid and a lot of fun.
There is nothing new to the genre being added here other than a pretty
cool gameplay experience that has a lot of fun for the gamer. I
personally enjoyed the heck out of this title and cannot wait for the
next in what I hope to be a series.