AFL Live 2005
Honk! The siren
blows and you are off and kicking the digital leather in another
instalment of AFL where the men are big and the shorts are tight!
After Acclaim
kicking the bucket after the spectacular failure of Turok, it appeared
that all was over for the AFL game and the fun that most of us had
experienced playing Australia’s favourite game. This was not to be
though. The title is back and and is a really nice gaming experience
that should please most fans of previous versions of the title and also
fans of the real life game.
You know something?
You can look back at some of our older reviews and I am sure that some
of you might have noticed that with the first version of the game I
scored that bad boy a 9.9/10
Well that is not
happening with this game, remember that we’d been waiting for a long
time for a good AFL title.
The amount of stats
on this game are incredible and once again this is a game that will have
hardcore fans especially stoked.
The gameplay itself
though is gonna dog most people who are expecting greatness. I am not
sure why but it looks as though the graphics and physics took a real
back seat in this game which really offset how exciting the potential
the game might have had if done properly.
There were some
really weird moments of play where the ball just decided that it would
glue itself to the sky and not come back down. There are some moments
also that collision detection gets the better of the game and things
that simply should not happen occur, sometimes with frustrating
The entire official
player line up for the season is here and every player has a stat page
showing you what they can and cant do. Absolutely crazy stuff if you are
a nut for this kind of thing.
The control system
is an odd one and I think that some players are going to be annoyed when
it turns out to be a hit and miss button mashing affair. The buttons
simply are not as responsive as they need to be and when you really need
your team to pull out the big guns, you will never be sure that they are
going to be there for you.
The graphical
quality of the game isn’t much changed from what you got a couple of
years ago and some will argue that it is worse. The players are blocky
and lumpy, however the grounds are reproduced with fantastic detail.
People will recognise the grounds immediately and I hope that that makes
up somewhat for the overall gameplay experience.
I think that some
of you are going to be stoked with this game and others are not going to
know what to make of it. It’s a shame that there is only one house
putting out a footy title as then the bar would be raised somewhat. As
it is, here is the game and if you want anything that resembles AFL then
this is all you get!
Possibly the only
saving grace is the commentary team with Dermie, Dennis Cometti and
Christie Malthouse however it may not be enough to guarantee your
I’d say rent this
one first and then make the decision if you want to buy. It’s full of
info and stats although the actual attributes for each time are skewed
incorrectly. It is also the only game on the market so it’s a rock and a
hard place.