Summary: Lovely art, compelling story and ace characters.
Quality introduction!
Edison Crane has a brilliant mind and uses it to solve the world’s problems and mysteries. Highly successful and curious, there is nothing he can’t do when he puts his mind to it. Prodigy is Mark Millar’s second Netflix comic book series to be launched this year, with the talented Rafael Albuquerque as the artist.
The story begins with an introduction of the young genius, virtuoso and child prodigy Edison Crane. We see a timeline of his many achievements unfold before us, showcasing his uncanny ability to learn quickly and succeed at everything he does. Crane possesses a uniquely gifted mind, and this coupled with his drive and determination to successfully achieve everything he sets out to do makes him one special individual. There is literally nothing that this guy can’t do, and as a result he is in high demand. Individuals, companies and governments worldwide seek out the skills, advice and mind of Professor Crane on a daily basis. He is a professional problem solver, an unraveller of mysteries and someone who is always up for the challenge. Naturally, he encounters a rather strange problem, which piques his curiosity for its unusual developments and challenging nature. Is this latest venture going to be his toughest yet? Really, it’s just all in a day’s work for Crane.
I’m going to keep this short and sweet, for fear of leaking spoilers. Before I begin, I’m just going to say that I’m totally stoked to have gotten my hands on an advanced review copy of this highly-anticipated series. I had pretty high expectations going into this first issue, and I’m pretty happy to say that I was in no way disappointed. Pretty much, this first issue is an introduction to the prodigy himself, Edison Crane. We get to know the guy, see his many talents and get an idea of his personality and general vibe. This is one man who craves daily challenges, seeking them out as a way to keep his brilliant mind active. He seems like a cool guy, and I kinda like him, apart from the fact that I’m insanely jealous of the dude. I actually found myself feeling exhausted from his never-ending abilities, achievements and conquests that cascade throughout the entire issue. This naturally leads me to wonder what kind of villain or dilemma could rival Crane. If there is one, they must be good at being bad, and that’s something I’m looking forward to seeing.
Yep, Rafael Albuquerque’s art is wonderful, of course. I absolutely love his character designs and am head over heels with the way he captures facial nuances and expressions. These little touches really heighten the overall tone of the narrative and emotional spectrum of Crane and the other characters. However, my favourite thing about Albuquerque’s art is how effortlessly he captures movement. It really is impeccable and feels like things are fluidly moving on each page, especially during some of the high-impact action scenes that we get to see. The colouring by Marcelo Maiolo works really well alongside the art, as it reinforces those tonal shifts I mentioned earlier. I also really like how well he captures light and reflection, as it all feels very realistic and believable. Good job guys!
Overall, I thought that this was a compelling introduction to this new series. I’m intrigued by the story, the characters and plot twist that’s revealed to us. The art is lovely and Edison Crane seems like a cool guy. Go on, you know you want to read it. It’s a goodie!
I’m giving this issue 5 out of 5 stars!
CREATIVE TEAM: Mark Millar, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Peter Doherty
PUBLISHER: Image Comics
PUBLICATION DATE: December 05, 2018
REVIEWER: Dana Folkard