Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 Review
Summary: The timeline is a mess, Jack is on a personal mission, and Santa fights his elves.
HyperForce makes their debut!
(I’m changing up the structure of my review a bit, so let’s see how these turn out – SPOILERS as always)
Background: Power Rangers at BOOM! have been expanding the Power Rangers Universe in ways that the show simply never could. New adventures, new rangers, new zords (squee!) have all made their debut. But for the very first time, we have the Hyperforce Rangers making their long-awaited comic debut.
Power Rangers Hyperforce was the first (and so far only) tabletop game that has become an official Power Rangers series. Veteran Ranger actors Cameron Jebo, Mike Ginn, Karan Ashley, Erin Cahill, and the late Jason David Frank all appeared on the show while it was aired on YouTube.
Hyperforce were a team of cadets that worked for Time Force. Our team consists of:
- Hyperforce Red – Joe Shih (played by Ranger vet Peter Sudarso)
- Hyperforce Blue – Eddie Banks
- Hyperforce Yellow – Jack Thomas (played by Ranger vet Paul Schrier)
- Hyperforce Black – Vesper Velasquez
- Hyperforce Pink – Chloe Ashford
- Hyperforce Green – Joe Shih (played Ranger vet Yoshi Sudarso)
But enough about the show and team. How was the writing?
Writing: We enter the story at the end (or at least the end for now). The alliance of Zedd, Rita, Thrax, and Scorpina have gone through time and stopped the Z-wave form occurring. The galaxy is all messed up as is the time stream and only the rangers can put it back to the way it’s supposed to be.
Unfortunately for our Pink Ranger, her dad is also the leader of the Alliance. Chloe is our window into this new and dangerous world. Except at first, she is not on the side of the angels. Or is she? Duplicity is abound. Rangers and teammates are hard to trust, and this makes for some fantastic tension as the rangers try and save the soul of one of their own. This is not a team you’d be used to if you only ever watched the TV show. These people have real opinions, real goals, and seem like fallible people.
Also, Santa fights his elves.
Artwork: The artwork is very interesting. The ranger colors pop as they always do, but the rest of the world is slightly muted. It really gives the rangers this quality of bringers of light and justice to a very screwed up world. Sadly, there are no zords in this issue. I was seriously hoping to see the Chronos Hyperforce Megazord. Maybe next time!
Final Thoughts?
Hyperforce Go! This book hits all the right steps: Fun, Action filled and witty. It progresses the ongoing storyline with that great final page while allowing the Hyperforce Rangers a chance at their own adventure.
Pick it up, people.
Pick. It. Up.
Comic Details:
Publisher: BOOM!
Writer: Melissa Flores & Meghan Camarena
Illustrator: Federico Sabbatini
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Genre: Superhero
Format: Monthly
Release Date: 07/19/23