Published on December 11th, 2019 | by Andrew Bistak
PlayStation State of Play Announcement Wrap Up
Sony Interactive Entertainment held its last official State of Play broadcast for 2019 today, which was packed with new game reveals, release date announcements and new looks at upcoming titles.
Please see below for a breakdown of announcements, and check out the PlayStation Blog for more information.
- Resident Evil 3 has been confirmed for PS4: The remake of the PlayStation classic is out next April, and will include the 4v1 survival multiplayer Resident Evil Resistance.
- PlatinumGames is working on a new action title: It’s called Babylon’s Fall and it looks awesome. Check out the first trailer and screenshot gallery.
- Dreams gets a release date: Valentine’s Day will be extra special next year, as Media Molecule looks to launch the full version of its ambitious PS4 title on 14th February.
- New details on Predator: Hunting Grounds: Character classes, weapons and a female Predator are all showcased in this blowout of information for the upcoming multiplayer title.
- Think outside the box with first-person puzzler Superliminal: Watch the first trailer for this perspective-altering title that is PS4-bound.
- Battle royale gets a fantasy spin with Spellbreak: The cel-shaded competitive multiplayer game has been announced for PS4, with a beta expected early next year.
- Paper Beast gets a stunning new trailer: Get a glimpse of the world and gameplay of the upcoming PS VR adventure.
- Untitled Goose Game is out next week on PS4: HONK.